
thread: 2006-03-09 : Those things in The Dragon Killer

On 2006-03-09, Kevin Wilson wrote:

Well I kind of like Fear as in Fear the Lord God kind of thing. Another one that just came to me is Truth, guiding truths.

"the GM's Fear is always the Dragon Killer, nobody's Fear is the Dragon, but the Fear you choose as a player might be the Old Spider, the Queen of Deer, or any of the others."

"the GM's Truth is always the Dragon Killer, nobody's Truth is the Dragon, but the Truth you choose as a player might be the Old Spider, the Queen of Deer, or any of the others."


This makes VB go "truth..."
[In a speculative, considering tone.]

This makes DY go "Essence?"

This makes...
short response
optional explanation (be brief!):

if you're human, not a spambot, type "human":