
thread: 2006-03-20 : Creating Situation: a practical example

On 2006-03-23, Michael S. Miller wrote:

the moral line depends on how things escalate, more than on the conflicts of interest themselves.

So you're saying that the conflicts of interests provide the opportunity for a moral decision to be made, right? Because the situation is unstable, it has to become stable in some form. The form that stability takes is the moral statement of the fiction, and by pushing the situation into that particular form of stability (e.g., "We shoot the Steward and the town'll be fine) the players have made a moral choice. A moral is simply a directive of if X situation happens, you should (or shouldn't) do Y action to achieve (or avoid) outcome Z, right?

Would you say that a thematic game must give the players the opportunity to make that moral choice? (I think I would.)


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