
thread: 2006-03-20 : Creating Situation: a practical example

On 2006-03-28, Marhault wrote:

Vincent:  "How do you make spinach quiche where you leave the spinach in a bag in the fridge?"

Yeah, I thought you might say something like that.  I was really thinking more along the lines of (and please forgive me, I know jack-all about quiche.) "what do you do to prepare spinach quiche before you actually add the spinach?"  It works either way, though, I suppose.

So, if Dogs (really any RPG) is the story of PCs over the course of the whole game, then each session/adventure is like an encounter on that road, right?  So why undirected pressure?  Wouldn't it be more effective to really apply stress directly to the player's flags?  Like the Dogs advice on GMing between towns, y'know?


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