
thread: 2006-03-29 : DC Trip Report

On 2006-03-29, Larry Lade wrote:

Am I the only one who notices that Vincent is significantly better at drawing guns than anything else?

Naked mole rats? Weren't those the things in Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control?


This makes VB go "hmph."

This makes AJF go "I'm good for the panda (deft) and metro (seems very imposing)"

This makes DY go "The Metro one is just right."

This makes JCL go "I agree about the metro"
I recognized it, and I was only in DC once, for the Klaatour.

This makes lpl go "Mind you..."
that's more a compliment of your gun-drawing skillz than a knock on the others. That pic should go on the Dogs site. The cartoon animals brightened my day.

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