
thread: 2006-05-18 : A quick IIEE primer, by request

On 2006-05-27, Vincent wrote:

Uh... If sometimes you'd have to switch it from being considered part of one to being considered part of another, doesn't that point to its being its own thing?

But whatever, don't get hung up on it. I, I, E and E aren't distinct phases of resolution, they're distinct spots where resolution can be phased. Any and all of them can be considered part of the ones next to them, depending entirely on the system.

And better, the important thing to get isn't that there are four of them. "There are four of them" is just a way to look at the more general problem, which IS the important thing to get: what have you established in the fiction when you pick up the dice, and what do you leave unresolved until the dice are on the table?


This makes jmac go "I think I get it."
It's just that I "feel" other I, E and E, not this one I.

This makes...
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