
thread: 2006-06-12 : New Mechaton dice rules

On 2006-06-12, NinJ wrote:

I think we have to test those Yellow rules. They could be awesome.

I love Yellows.

As for Greens, I dunno. That's a lot of jumping over stuff. I guess it encourages dynamic play instead of hiding behind things, and leaping over shit to get into HtH.

So you can get a green for having crawly legs? I didn't want my Fuchis to have Greens (I don't think they did) but they were crawly for getting over stuff (and each other). What about tractor treads? Good for going over stuff, but not for going fast. Or a grappling hook.

How about, if you've got such a device, it counts as a die and grants climb-over-itness but doesn't give you any real dice?

"Die" is getting really abstract here.


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