thread: 2006-08-24 : Sexual subject matter in Scary Go Round
On 2006-08-24, Zabieru wrote:
Oh yeah. I was so excited when I read that (but in a happy nostalgic way, not a creepy way). I remember exactly what that penultimate panel was like, back in the day. That whole comic was just moment-by-moment perfect young nerd-boy gettin' some love and not really being able to assert any mental ownership of what's going on until well after the fact, which at least was my experience, and I don't think I was alone in that.
Also, how many of us here don't identify with The Boy, at least a little? I think it's a pretty small number. I know I'm still lookin' for a lady who will be my dark ally.
(By the way, de-lurking here. My name's Devin, there's no reason any of you would know me, but I figured some sort of introduction was in order)