
thread: 2006-10-17 : My roleplaying summary

On 2006-10-30, Jeff Z wrote:

When I was a little kid, I played pirates and cowboys (and doctors and nurses). I also played a game with my brother after lights-out: we'd make up characters and stuff that happened until we fell asleep. We did that right up till we were about 14 and 12 and got our own rooms.

Then at 16 I ran D&D, till the end of school.
Then I played RQ, V&V, C&S, Traveller, Superworld, Champions and others at the game store (Simulations RIP).

Then I ran a game of RQ that went on for 20 years.

Then I ran Pendragon and a PD/RQ mashup and some more V&V, and played some GURPS and some Gamma World.

Then I moved and didn't play much for a while and read HQ and discovered the Forge and thought a lot about stuff I'd done in the past.

Then I decided to look for new people to play with and played HeroQuest, Sorcerer, Dogs, Trollbabe, Sorcerer, Nicotine Girls, Burning Wheel, Dogs, HQ, My Life with Master, InSpectres, 1001 Nights and Mexican Standoff.


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