
thread: 2006-11-11 : Tarkut Ptimanya

On 2006-11-13, Sydney Freedberg wrote:

Do not sully even the thought of our sacred national fruits with your colonialist lips, O so-called "Ben Lehman," or the implacable wrath of the long-oppressed people will slice them off with the shining silver sword of justice (the lips, not the fruits; we cut the latter with small, slightly curved knives). The delicious peaches of our incomparable Tarkut orchards are like unto the swelling, beneficent, goat-milk-dripping breasts whose patriotic spirit and manifest economic benefit, properly distributed among the neglected classes in accordance with our unique blend of traditional communual ethics and scientifically proven Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Lumplist Victory Thought, sustains against insurmountably incalculable odds the noble and unweanable sons of the glorious Tarkut motherland. Yeah.


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