thread: 2006-11-13 : Unbelievably cool Lego mecha
On 2006-11-17, ffilz wrote:
You young whipper snappers that had sets like that castle when you were a kid. We had blocks, base plates, windows and doors (the old "classic" style with the 1x2x3 door), wheels, and roof bricks (but no corners or even peaks). Oh, and almost all of the bricks were red and white, with a few blue, black, and yellow. And almost no plates (1x6, 1x8, and 6x8 or so).
The so very cool, and yet so very dissapointing set was the train. We had one of the first trains. It didn't look like a train, and we just had an oval of track, no switches though we might have had the crossing.
So I had to make up for lost time, here's my LEGO room now. There's also LEGO all over the house (though it's mostly out of the master bedroom under the new girlfriend's orders, and soon to be out of many other rooms in the house).