thread: 2006-12-12 : Status report
On 2006-12-12, JamesNostack wrote:
Hey Vincent—it's curious that the same day you post this, I had a dream about my grandmother, who died two weeks ago, and my mom (in my dream) said, "Well, she died, you know," and she sort of did the fade-dissolve in the dream, the way you see in films. She, at least, had a pretty good life all in all.
My girlfriend's dad attempted suicide on New Year's Day, 2006, and we've been running around like crazy the whole year trying to keep him safe, sane, and resolve the mounting financial crisis that drove him to attempt it. In February I had to hunt for a job, be a full-time student, and move house. I thought I was going to lose it for a little while.
It really fucking gets you down, day after day, with no break and no relief—and even when you do catch a little bit of time off, it's never remotely enough and you go back to maximum stress the instant you return. I totally know what you mean about being tired. It's the Year of the Meat Grinder.
Best wishes, Bakers, and I hope that 2007 treats everybody a lot better.