
thread: 2007-06-04 : Attention Paktalist Dogs

On 2007-06-06, NinJ wrote:

Ah, yeah!

Yeah, your goal is to get in,get some food, and get out with minimal losses. You can't afford them. So you're taking the "slow and klunky" route.

Oh! One of the objectives is a magic food generator piece. It's the part that makes it so you can replicate food, like on Star Trek. The Rasili seem to feel that just giving it to the people of Tarkut will keep them from feeling like they've earned it. Just like on Star Trek.

This piece is color. If you or I get it, Vincent, it'll feed into the next battle's premise, but it won't adjust scores.

So, hey, let's remember who's winning this time, eh?

(It's Emily.)


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