
thread: 2007-07-23 : Doomsday ticks closer

On 2007-07-23, Carl Cravens wrote:

(I just recently read all the Mechaton post threads... I'm digging the campaign notes.  And propaganda.)

If you're on Windows, and Lego Digital Designer is locking up on you after telling it what you want to do (free build, load a model), you need to update Quicktime.

LDD is slick-looking, but slow as molasses.  And it's snapping is just intelligent enough to be really stupid sometimes.  Nothing like rotating the view over and over, trying to find just the right position that lets you put the brick where you want it instead of where LDD thinks it goes.

I prefer MLCad's traditional three-pane view... it makes positioning a lot faster.  (Even if MLCad needs some snap intelligence instead of just using grids for positioning.)

And LDD, as far as I can tell, doesn't let you build with bricks that aren't for sale in the Factory.  But it sure would be cool if you could get some good mech designs into the Factory... then folks could just buy kits directly from them.  (At something like three or four times the price of what you can get bricks for on Bricklink if you take the time to find a good price.  But it's a fair trade-off... buying bricks on Bricklink is time-consuming.)

I think Mechaton could pick up in popularity if there were mech-building kits readily available.  I've considered putting together a few kits to sell just to justify the time spent on Bricklink.  (Presuming you'd be okay with that.)


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