2011-10-05 : Such a Fanboy
Quoth I, on the twitter:
While excellent in every way, the Doubleclicks do not make very evocative music for when you're working on a thing about murderous ghosts.
Quoth the Doubleclicks:
We will try harder to be scary. Um... RAaaar!!1
Sometime later:
Video: A new song is up! It's about teddy bears! Mr. Bear.
I don't imagine that they made it for me, but it's like they did!
1. On 2011-10-05, Lukas said:
I'm going to see them on Friday night two blocks from my apartment!
2. On 2011-10-06, Silerias said:
So cute :)
3. On 2011-10-06, Joshua A.C. Newman said:
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