
2016-12-12 : Love, Warmth, Good Will, etc.

Epimas is coming! After the year we've had, maybe we could all use some good straightforward holiday cheer.

Here's what's up with Epimas:

• You buy some game PDFs as gifts to be delivered to your friend, family member or assorted loved one on Dec. 24th.

• You immediately receive copies of the game PDFs for free so you can read them over and be prepared to play them with your friend, family member or assorted loved one on Dec. 24th.

This year, Father Epiclaus (that is, Epidiah Ravachol) has put together 8 bundles of games to choose from. Check them all out here: Epimas Bundles - Worlds Without Master.

If you're looking for Apocalypse World 2nd Ed, it's in the Good Will bundle.

Happy Epimas, and to all a good game!

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