
2005-11-14 : The Story of My Life

Charles, from marginalia here:

Somewhere along the line [it] seems to have been turned into a profound truth, rather than a very basic starting point.

Chaz, you have summed up my experience doing roleplaying theory. Lord.

I cannot tell you how many times I've read someone going "I don't think that the Lumpley Principle is the be all and end all that people make it out to be." I'm like, no duh! It's the first baby-baby step, the dumbest most obvious insight ever.

But then ten minutes later I'm trying to say something worth saying and here's somebody else, before I even get started, going "wait wait wait, you mean that roleplaying is a social activity? That can't be right. Prove it, you hippie elitist bastard!"

Of course I know you're the former not the latter. Please bear with me!

1. On 2005-11-14, Matt Wilson said:

It's a social activity for anti-social people!

Well, and for social ones too.


2. On 2005-11-22, TonyLB said:

Well, you're essentially holding an open discussion where new people wander in most any time, and jump right into the conversation without really asking "Hey, what's gone before?"

I don't know why we do it.  I really don't.  I mean, I love the discussions, but ... we've got to be doing it for some reason other than to construct truth, step by step.  Either we're stupid (which I'd grant for me, but not for you) or there is some benefit to us of going over the basics, over and over and over again.

I know that's the case for martial arts:  I learn a lot by teaching the basics to new people ... each person has slightly different questions, and so my foundation gets more and more broadly and carefully examined as I explain it.  I can hope that the same thing happens in these discussions.


direct link

This makes...
NinJ go "What do you study, Tony?"*
TLB go "Jujitsu"*

*click in for more

3. On 2005-11-22, timfire said:

I find that the majority of my *real* theory discussions are off-line, when I'm talking one-on-one with someone. I love these discussions, but admittedly they don't happen all that often.

I yearn for more deeper discussions online, but I think I've accepted that most of what gets said online is just going to be going back over the basics.

Why do I continue participating, then? Part of it is gratitude. I wouldn't be where I am today if others weren't willing to put up with me, so I want to do the same for others. And I do learn little bits here and there.


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