
2009-04-28 : Adventures in Dairy

I made paneer. I made it out of almost a gallon of milk, so at the end I had my block of paneer and almost a gallon of whey. In the past I've poured the whey down the sink, or let it go sour in the fridge THEN poured it down the sink. Not this time, I resolved! But what on earth do you do with almost a gallon of whey?

Bake with it, I know. I'm not much of a baker though. (Ask anyone in my family, I'm a black sheep, ha ha.)

Anyway I asked my friend the internet, who said: make ricotta! It's made by re-cooking whey until it curdles again. Excellent, said I. So last night, I made ricotta.

What my friend the internet didn't tell me is that when you make ricotta, at the end you have a rounded tablespoon of ricotta and almost a gallon of super-whey.

1. On 2009-04-28, Alex D. said:

Best pun I've heard all day.
Thanks for the groan, it got me through a rather... unpleasant class.


2. On 2009-04-28, Robert Bohl said:

This reminds me that I had ricotta cheesecake one time (several one times), and now I can't bear to eat any other cheesecake.


3. On 2009-04-28, Julie, aka jrs said:

*My* friend the internet says (1) use it as the cooking liquid for rice, and (2) mix it with your pet's dry kibble.

I would make biscuits, but then that's baking. But biscuits!


p.s. I cooked stinging nettle for the first time this past weekend.


4. On 2009-04-28, Vincent said:

I've always wanted to cook stinging nettle. It doesn't grow in quantity around here, that I've found. Was it good?

I used a cup of the whey in the sauce for the paneer, so now it's down to almost-almost a gallon! Progress!


5. On 2009-04-28, Graham said:

Have you tried super-ricotta? It's great.

I like Julie's ideas of biscuits and cooking liquids.



6. On 2009-04-28, Julie, aka jrs said:

I made ravioli (also a first) with stinging nettle in the filling. It has a little bite to it, sort of like mint, but not minty. Not as strong as mustard greens though.


7. On 2009-04-28, Moreno R. said:

"make ricotta! It's made by re-cooking whey until it curdles again"

In Italian, ricotta literally means "cooked again"...  ;-)


8. On 2009-04-28, BG Zeke said:

Nettles are delicious

Whey is good for animal feed, find someone who has animals that need feeding.


9. On 2009-04-28, misuba said:

Oatmeal. Same principle as rice I guess. For savory applications couscous or bulgur would probably be sublime.


10. On 2009-04-28, Brennen said:

If you do the super ricotta like Graham suggests, you'll end up with ultra whey.

Remember Zeno's paradox?


11. On 2009-04-28, Vincent said:

My whey will asymptotically approach Plato's whey of pure form.

My ricotta will asymptotically approach perfect nothingness.


12. On 2009-04-28, Matt Wilson said:

I guess then Emmett would take your super whey, huh?

He's like, remember when I was in your house, how I didn't kill anyone? I'm totally a killer. Self control. Deserves whey.

That's how he thinks. Probably.

Also, I keep hearing about how cheese making is like the new home brewing. Personally I still want to do the brewing.


13. On 2009-04-28, Julie, aka jrs said:

Can whey be fermented?


14. On 2009-04-28, Seth Ben-Ezra said:

> I'm not much of a baker though. (Ask anyone in my family, I'm a black sheep, ha ha.)


Ooh! I know what you can do with whey! You can make pancakes! You know, with that recipe that you used to have on the intartubes but is now frustratingly unavailable! (Or, you could make a game out of the pancake recipe, include the recipe, and sell it for $1 on the Unstore.)


15. On 2009-04-28, Vincent said:

Pancakes are surely yum!


16. On 2009-04-30, Vincent said:

In dribs and drabs I used it down to about a quart and a half. Last night it'd developed acid enough, so I used a quart of it to curdle my next batch of paneer, and poured out the last half-quart. Now I have ... a block of paneer and a brand new fresh almost-gallon of whey.


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