
2010-07-30 : Going ... going ... gone!

Today and tomorrow are the last days to preorder Apocalypse World! If you want the maestro d' character playbook, now's your last chance.

In the golden age of legend, there was this guy named Maestro. He was known for dressing up real dap and whever he went, the people had much luxe tune. There was this other guy named Maitre d'. He was known for dressing up real dap and whever he went, the people had all the food they could eat and the fanciest of it.

Here in Apocalypse World, those two guys are dead. They died and the fat sizzled off them, they died same as much-luxe-tune and all-you-can-eat. The maestro d' now, he can't give you what those guys used to could, but fuck it, maybe he can find you a little somethin somethin to take off the edge.

Joe McDonald says, "the Maestro D' is the most amazing character in the game. Sexier than the hardholder, with more teeth than the skinner." I might quibble with most amazing, but the rest is true.

Anyhow! If you want it, it's going ... going ...

edit: Gone!

1. On 2010-07-31, Matt Snyder said:

So, will it be for sale at GenCon? I assumed so, but am not sure based on the store explanation. Wad planning on picking it up then, but maybe I should preorder?


2. On 2010-07-31, Matt Snyder said:

Duh. Saw previous post. I'll see you this week.


3. On 2010-08-02, TheLoneAmigo said:

Will we get the Maestro D' in Trifold?


4. On 2010-08-02, Vincent said:

Yes! Go back to the Forge Bookshelf and redownload, it's there.


5. On 2010-08-02, Julia said:

I might have to agree fully with Joe McDonald, but I'm very biased.


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