2014-08-18 : AW:Dark Age: 2 to go
I took an incomplete draft of the AW:Dark Age playtest document with me to EtrusCon. I was nervous about showing it to people, but it was received very well! Reassuringly well.
Everyone who asked, I promised them that I'd release the playtest document by the end of August, and that's still looking good. Just one more thing to finish up, then a local once-over, then the release!
Maybe I'll start dropping some hints and previews during the next week or so.
1. On 2014-08-18, warren said:
2. On 2014-08-18, Davide said:
"hints and previews", yes, make us suffer, make us beg!! :)
3. On 2014-08-18, Tom Lawrence said:
Alas, this makes it seem like it won't be ready in time for this weekend when I'm seeing old university friends for a weekend of gaming, but never mind! I will be running an online playtest when it does come out, at least.
Looking forward to it Vincent.
4. On 2014-08-18, Ereshkigal said:
Gogo! I hope you had fun here in italy ;)
5. On 2014-08-19, Per said:
Check! Mailing playtest group right now.
6. On 2014-08-19, Ich said:
7. On 2014-08-20, Gwathdring said:
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