
2010-12-11 : Epimas is coming...

...The tofoose is getting fat!

When I was mere a tyke my parents would hang a bedsheet over the living room doorway so that jolly old Epiclaus could lay out the Epimas games away from our childish peering. Well now that I'm a grown up, I'm allowed to peer a little, and I can tell you! Epiclaus is going to be good to us this year!

edit: And now I can tell you more! Epimas is the traditional holiday where when you buy games for your friends, you get them for yourself too. This year's participating game publishers are:

Black & Green Games
Dig a Thousand Holes Publishing
Half Meme Press
Night Sky Games
Stone Baby Games
The Glyphpress
These Are Our Games
Two Scooter Press
and yours most very truly.

Find out more at Happy Epimas!

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