2006-07-03 : Mechaton rules
For Uriel and everybody.
Notice a big change in defending. A big, big change. Uriel, if you play these rules, please tell me how they work out! J, Em, anybody else nearby: I need to play these rules.
When we played, Em and Chaz, the stickiest, irritatingest part was dodging vs. shielding. Noticing that brought to my mind something that Sydney said one time, which is that moving targets are actually easier to hit, so.
1. Create the field before you compare your armies and work out your points per. If you aren't playing on a hex map, decide and declare how many ruler units "a hex" is.
2. Build and compare your armies and work out your vpp (victory points per), using these rules.
3. Multiply vpp times (mechs + stations) for starting scores.
4. The person with the highest starting score is the defender. The person with the lowest starting score is the primary attacker. Everyone else is an attacker.
5. Defender, place your stations on the field, wherever you want. Place two of your mechs. They establish your perimeter, so place them as forward as you dare.
6. Primary attacker, place one of your mechs a) outside the defender's perimeter, b) 7-10 hexes from of one of the defender's mechs, and c) exposed to that mech (that is, out of cover).
7. All attackers, take turns placing your mechs. Don't place a mech any closer than 7 hexes to a defender's mech or behind the defender's line. Otherwise, place them wherever you want.
8. All attackers, place your stations. Don't place them behind the defender's line.
8. Once all the attackers' mechs are on the field, defender, place your remaining mechs. Place them wherever you want.
Play starts!
The turn:
1. All mechs roll initiative.
Every mech gets one or more d10 for initiative.
If your mech gets more than one initiative die, you get to choose which.
2. The turn begins in initiative order.
Initiative order ascends from 1.
Resolve ties by rolling off.
3. On a mech's go:
a. Discard your initiative die. You won't need it again.
b. Name your target.
c. If you're spotting, name your spotting target.
d. Roll and assign your dice.
- Pick up all your white dice, all your green dice, all your blue dice, your yellow dice if you're spotting, and your red dice according to the range to your target. Roll them.
- Assign a blue die or a white die to your defense. Subtract 1.
- Assign a red die or a white die to your attack.
- Assign a green die or a white die to your move.
- Assign a yellow die or a white die to your spot. Subtract 1.
- Discard all the dice you haven't assigned.
e. First, YOUR DEFENSE. Put a blue die next to you showing your defense number. This'll be your defense number for the entire rest of the turn. Remember to subtract 1 from your defense die. If you don't assign a die to defense, your defense number is zero.
f. Second, if you have an UNRESOLVED ATTACK against you, resolve it now, and wait to continue your go until after your attacker's finished hers.
g. Third, you choose whether to move first, then attack, or attack first, then move.
If you don't assign a die to your attack, you can't attack. If you don't assign a die to your move, you can't move.
Does your target already have a defense number?
- If so, resolve your attack and continue the turn in initiative order.
- If not, switch to combat order to resolve the attack.
- Move a number of hexes equal to your move die, or less.
- If you rolled any green dice at all, you can move through or stop in a hex containing cover. If you didn't, you have to go around.
h. Fourth, YOUR SPOT. Put a yellow die next to your spotting target showing your spotting number. Remember to subtract 1 from your spotting die. If you don't assign a die to spotting, you can't spot.
i. Finally, SEIZING A STATION. If you're the only mech within HtH range of a station, you seize it. Discard its former owner's marker, if any, and put your own marker on it.
4. Once every mech's had a go, the turn ends.
- Tidy up the field: remove all defense dice and spot dice.
- Tick down the doomsday clock.
Initiative order vs. combat order:
By default, a turn proceeds in initiative order: by initiative die, counting up from 1.
When you attack a mech that hasn't gone yet, that mech needs a defense number, so you switch to combat order.
Combat order just means that when you're attacked, it's your go next. You do half your go right now, up to step f; then your attacker finishes her go, then you finish your go after she's done.
Here's an example turn. The mechs are Arty, Bashy, and Carver. Arty has initiative 1, Bashy has initiative 4, Carver has initiative 8.
Arty goes first.
Arty a. discards his initiative die.
Arty b. declares his targer: Carver.
Arty c. isn't spotting.
Arty d. rolls his dice.
Arty assigns a 4 to his defense, subtracting 1 for a defense number of 3.
Arty assigns a 6 to his attack.
Arty assigns a 1 to his move.
Arty assigns no die to spotting.
Arty e. puts a blue die nearby, showing his defense number: 3.
Arty f. is not under attack.
Arty g. attacks first, then moves.
Carver doesn't have a defense number, because she hasn't gone yet.
So we switch to combat order. Now Carver's up.
Carver a. discards her initiative die. She's going now, not at 8.
Carver b. declares her target: Arty.
Carver c. declares her spotting target: Arty.
Carver d. rolls her dice.
Carver assigns a 5 to her defense, subtracting 1 for a defense number of 4.
Carver assigns a 2 to her attack.
Carver assigns a 6 to her move.
Carver assigns a 4 to her spot, subtracting 1 for a spot number of 3.
Carver e. puts a blue die nearby, showing her defense number: 4.
Carver f. has an unresolved attack against her!
Arty resolves his attack on Carver.
Arty continues his turn:
Arty moves 1 hex.
Arty h. isn't spotting.
Arty i. doesn't seize a station.
Arty's go is done. Now Carver picks up her turn where she left off.
Carver g. moves first, then attacks.
Carver moves 6 hexes.
Carver resolves her attack on Arty.
Carver h. puts a yellow die next to Arty, showing her spot number: 3.
Carver i. seizes a station.
Carver's go is done. We revert to initiative order. Bashy goes on 4.
Bashy a. discards his initiative die.
Bashy b. declares his target: Arty.
Bashy c. isn't spotting.
Bashy d. rolls his dice.
Bashy assigns a 2 to his defense, subtracting 1 for a defense number of 1.
Bashy assigns a 5 to his move.
Bashy assigns a 5 to his attack.
Bashy assigns no die to spotting.
Bashy e. puts a blue die nearby, showing his defense number: 1.
Bashy f. is not under attack.
Bashy g. attacks first, then moves.
Bashy resolves his attack on Arty.
Bashy moves 5 hexes.
Bashy h. isn't spotting.
Bashy i. doesn't seize a station.
Bashy's go is done.
The turn's done.
We remove the defense and spot dice from the field and tick down the doomsday clock.
Resolving your attack:
Compare your attack number with your target's defense number.
- If your target's defense number is equal or higher, you miss! The attack's resolved.
- If your attack number is higher, you hit! Continue.
Roll damage dice.
Damage dice are d6s.
- If your target has a spot die, you can use it. Roll that many damage dice, and discard the spot die.
- Otherwise, roll a number of damage dice equal to the difference between your attack number and your target's defense number.
Check cover.
- If your target's exposed to you, every damage die that comes up a 5 or a 6 is a hit.
- If your target's behind rubble to you, every damage die that comes up a 6 is a hit.
- If your target's behind a wall to you, every damage die that comes up a 6 is a hit, but ignore one 6.
Your target takes damage.
- For each hit she takes, your target has to lose one attachment or one white die. She chooses which.
That's it, the attack's resolved.
Here's an example attack. The mechs are Arty and Bashy. Bashy's attack number is 5, Arty's defense number is 3, and another mech has previously spotted Arty; he has a spot die showing 3.
Bashy's attack is higher than Arty's defense. Bashy hits!
Bashy can choose to use the spot die, in which case he rolls 3 damage dice, the number showing on the spot die.
Or, he can leave the spot where it is, in which case he rolls damage dice equal to 5 (his attack) minus 3 (Arty's defense) = 2.
He decides to use the spot. He discards the spot die and rolls 3 damage dice.
Arty is in light cover to Bashy.
Bashy's damage dice come up 2, 3, 6.
Arty takes 1 hit. He pops off his ECM pack; he's lost its blue die for the rest of the game.
Relative to your attacker, you can be exposed, behind rubble, or behind a wall.
If any piece of terrain is ambiguous, identify it as rubble or a wall during setup.
Only consider the target's cover, not the attacker's.
Only consider terrain that's within 1 hex of you. If we're ten hexes apart and there's a wall at hex
five between us, and no other terrain nearby, we're exposed to one another. In other words, you can't be "behind" cover that's more than a hex away. Even if you wish you were.
Otherwise, when in doubt, be generous to the target.
A mech - even a destroyed one - counts as rubble.
Hand to hand range is 1-2 hexes.
Direct fire range is 3-10 hexes.
Artillery range is 11 hexes or more.
Remember that you can attack with a weapon only within its listed range - you can't attack someone 10 hexes away with an artillery weapon, for instance.
The doomsday clock:
The doomsday clock starts at 14. Subtract the number of mechs in the biggest army. Add the number of mechs in the smallest army. For instance, if the biggest army has 6 mechs and the smallest army has 3 mechs, the doomsday clock starts at 11.
If you can't remember that formula, like me, just start the doomsday clock at 11, it'll be fine.
At the end of every turn, tick the doomsday clock down 1. Turn to the player with the highest current score and ask "do you want to click the doomsday clock down again?" If so, tick it down another 1. Each player, in descending score order, has the option to tick the doomsday clock down another 1.
When the doomsday clock hits zero, the game's over. The turn you just played was the last turn. Current scores now are final!
Campaign play
Every player starts the first game of the campaign with momentum 0.
At the end of every game, add your final score to your momentum.
During the next game's setup, after all the mechs are on the field:
- The person with the highest momentum moves one piece of terrain from anywhere to anywhere, including removing a piece from the field or placing a new piece on the field.
- The person with the highest momentum picks up one mech belonging to the person with the lowest momentum and puts it back on the field, anywhere she wants.
Play to momentum 100 for a short campaign, momentum 200 for a long campaign, or play a set number of games and compare final momentum to determine the winner.
1. On 2006-07-04, Sydney Freedberg said:
The big change in defense is that (a) your Move doesn't help you anymore and (b) you can always assign a white die for defense, the white dice taking on the burden of representing general nimbleness etc.—correct?
I like this. It's smoother (especially compared to
2. On 2006-07-04, Sydney Freedberg said:
[stupid ENTER key]
It's smoother and simpler, especially compared to the original "if you're rolling blue dice, you can assign a white die to Shield. If you aren't, you can't."
And while it may seem counterintuitive that someone streaking at high speed across the battlefield isn't harder to hit, everyone remember not only that rapid movement not only makes it easier for eyes and sensors to see you, but also that moving flat-out in a straight line leaves you very little wriggle room to follow the curve of the land and take advantage of little bits of cover. I've read that good tank crews can find cover even in desolate, flat terrain, e.g. the Israelis in the open desert, by tucking in behind subtle rises. (Arguably, you could have
cover states, ranging from "behind wall" to "behind rubble" to "in open but stationary" to "in open, but moving," but that'd penalize movement rather brutally and favor a static game.
3. On 2006-07-04, Vincent said:
What I like about it is the underlying principle: move, shoot, stay safe - choose two.
I hope it's not less fun. I can't imagine why it would be, but it remains to be seen.
4. On 2006-07-04, Uriel said:
Thanks again! I'll report in after todays game. Hopefully the right people are there, those that are open to new games and not those that refuse to play anything that isn't GW.
5. On 2006-07-05, Uriel said:
I got a game and a half yesterday. Me and two other guys, Kim and Anton, played a quick game which lasted little over an hour and was a blast. Then me, Anton and another guy began setup for a regular long game but we only got as far as setting it up because our discussion of the rules took too long and it was difficult to think too hard because of the damn heat.
The quick game we played went very smoothly. I had some sheets done for their mechs so it was easy for them to decide what to erase when taking damage. During play we placed the shield dice right behind the mechs so that everyone could see it clearly. The new shielding rule worked really fine, very easy to understand. People tended to assign their best white to it often so shield was often very high which meant that very few hits were scored. After 4 rounds no mech was killed, I had one mech who took 1 hit and one left with only 1 white, Kim got 3 hits on his huge red fourlegger and had 1 white left on his small red fuchikoma. Anton was completly unscratched (bastard).
The sensor took a little more explaining and I don't think anyone ever used any spot dice since we rolled a little too low on those. I had sensors on both of mine, but I got beat up a lot and had to sacrifice them early.
The rule that made the most impact though was that the mecha you shot at got to act next, which several times led to a chain of shooting that superseded initiative. I think it worked fine, it added another tactical layer: "Lets see, if I shoot him he gets to act next and he'll rush over there before my next guy, so I think I'll you instead."
Whoever tagged the rocket last won so it soon became a clusterfuck in the middle where each of us had a mech touching it. I thought I had the advantage here since I had most HtH weapons, but I rolled crappy. We started the clock at 8 and it didn't take long until we started thinking out loud about how many round we had left and who would touch it last. It ended up with the three mechs in middle acting last. I would act on 7, Anton on 10, so he would tag it last. So it was really up to who Kim shoot last. If he shoot Anton he would act next and it would take him a miracle to kill my mech in the same round so then I would act last and win. If he shoot me Anton would still act last and win. In the end Kim, despite of my argument that Anton deserved to lose since he had escaped unscratched I got shoot. No hits, so I shoot Anton. 1 hit, but not enough.
Afterwards we talked a little about vpp's and wondered if it would've been better if we'd scored points for each round you had the rocket tagged.
It was damn fun anyway! They really liked it and wanted the adress to this site.
I went out for some sushi and when I came back I talked some of the warhammer guys into playing. We started setting up for a three ways big battle, assigning mechs and vpp's. Then it came to a halt during setup. Two of us had armies with exactly the same value and starting score and were tied for the defender position. The rules does not say what to do if you tied (step 4 in the setup). So it took some bickering to sort that out but we solved that with a dice roll.
Then the defender, forgot his name, asked what prevented him from placing his perimeter so far to the short side that we would only have a small strip to place our mechs and his station would be way over on the other side of the map. I suggested honor, but clearly he had none and did so anyway. So me and the Primary attacker ended up almost on top of each other and it was pretty clear from the start that if the defender just ran for it back to his base we would never intercept him in time and unless one of us attackers totally crushed the other we couldn't gather enough victory points to come close to the defender. So we didn't play on the excuse that it was too late, but frankly those guys would've been no fun to play with anyway.
Later I went through it again and found out that if we both hadn't been so lacking in the artillery section we would have been able to shoot him from afar and not have to run after to get a clear line of direct fire. Oh well.
Another question that came up was if you can use artillery cannons to fire indirect fire in an arc over obstacles? As a former artillery enlisted I had to yes you could, but if the imagined arc was very steep because the target was near a high obstacle that would count as at least partial cover.
oh about the pictures; the guy with the jumpjets standing on the rock isn't involved in the fray, he's just standing there being cool and taunting the othera because they can't fly that high.
Are there any rules about what obstacles you can scale with green dice?
This reminds...
Uriel of the table
Uriel of close up
Uriel of new table shoot
This makes...
Uriel go "mixup"*
VB go "I can't see the wide shot!"*
*click in for more
6. On 2006-07-05, Vincent said:
Awesome! Thank you!
The rule for seizing stations is, you seize it only if your mech is the only mech within HtH range of it. Otherwise, its ownership stays.
So here's a station, let's say its an unclaimed fallen satellite, like for the short game.
You and I both choose our fastest mechs and run them straight toward it, holding our second mechs back for support. By a quirk of green die rolls and initiative, your mech reaches it first, at initiative 1 of turn 3. At step i of your mech's go, your mech is the only one within HtH range of it and you seize it.
At initiative 2 of turn 3, mere seconds later, my mech reaches it. I smash into you with everything I've got, but you're still standing at my step i. At step i of my mech's go, my mech isn't the only one within HtH of the station, so I don't seize it - it's still yours.
In order to seize it from you, I have to take you out or drive you away (and there are no rules for driving someone away). Until that happens, yours it is and yours it stays.
It's really easy to figure out if you have an actual brick your color to put on it. When you're the only mech there, put your marker on it. When someone else arrives, they can remove your marker and place their own only if you aren't there to interfere.
Let's see.
For ties during setup, roll off. The loser has to add one attachment to one of his mechs. If both armies are maxed out, then instead the winner gets to remove one attachment from one of his mechs. Now they aren't tied anymore.
I may decide that rule sucks, but it's my proposal for now.
Someone behind cover still gets the benefit of cover against artillery fire. Notice in the new rules that being behind a wall doesn't mean nobody can shoot you.
Strictly, a mech with green dice can pass through any terrain as though it didn't exist. However, it'd be very reasonable - especially looking at your layout - to make a rule that to pass through a wall you have to spend an extra hex of movement. That is, moving into a hex with a wall is 2 move instead of 1.
About setup: yeah, that guy's criticism is fair. Add to the rules: when the defender places her two initial mechs, she can't place them so that they're farther than 10 hexes from her nearest station.
Here's another important rule I missed: in HtH, never consider cover. You always hit on a 5 or 6 on the damage dice.
What else?
Oh, it's interesting that you did high defense and low spotting. High spotting is the way to beat high defense.
Did you use any 1-shot missiles? High spotting plus a 1-shot missile is REALLY the way to beat high defense.
I'm glad you had a good time!
7. On 2006-07-06, Uriel said:
It would'be played out very differently with those rules for seizing. More shooting and maybe more turns. We used bricks to mark the rocket, you can see it on the picture.
What we did when the defender was tied was roll a die and then we switched mech, which in effect gave me one extra attachment. Your rule is a bit clearer and quite fair. That's one things I like best about Mechaton; it's very fair and balanced.
about cover: "Only consider terrain that's within 1 hex of you. If we're ten hexes apart and there's a wall at hex
five between us, and no other terrain nearby, we're exposed to one another. In other words, you can't be "behind" cover that's more than a hex away. Even if you wish you were."
I get this totally for artillery fire that goes in a arc, but direct fire that goes in a straight line, like lasers and such, it seems counter intuitive. But on the other hand the first 6 that you remove could be you blasting right through the wall.
"when the defender places her two initial mechs, she can't place them so that they're farther than 10 hexes from her nearest station."
Good fix. I think the setup rules are excellent, so much that I almost want to have the worst army to be able to gain the tactical advantage.
I briefly explained the spotting rule before we started playing, but after we finished I had to explain it again so I'm not sure they got it the first time, but since we all rolled so low on the spot dice it didn't matter much. But I plan to build more spotter mechs, they're very important indeed it seems.
And we didn??t use any missiles, mostly because not all teams had mechas which were fitted or fitable with missiles from the start. I need to come up and find parts for a generic missile rack that can be fitted to most mechas.
I??ll bring my stuff to my FLGS on monday again and see if I can get a game on. I'll shoot more pictures then, I almost forgot last time.
Rules that would've been cool that I have no idea if they would work or not, I'm just thinking out loud here:
Fall down: Instead of damaging your opponent you make him fall over and he has to spend 2-3 move to get to be able to do something on his next go. Some times you might want to hinder a mech from going some where rather than damaging it.
Push: You can walk 1 extra hex but has to roll a die to avoid getting stuck or falling. First push you fall down on a 5-6. Second push you fall down on 4-5 and take damage on 6. Third push you fall down on 2-4 and take damage on 5-6. Not some thing you would use often but useful for those mad desperate rushes.
Command rerolls. You can reroll any dice by taking a -1 to your score. Maybe it should cost more if you have the current highest score, like -2, to be balanced I don't know.
But since this is you writting this I'm pretty sure you've thought about those ideas before and rejected them. And in a way it's good that Mechaton doesn't have a ton of special rules for very special occasion like some other games (*cough* warhammer). I like that.
8. On 2006-07-06, Ninja Monkey J said:
I like your "One extra hex" rule if you have to fall over, like you're sliding into home plate. Good for racing to objectives. One hex might not be the right number, but it might.
Don't forget the thing about shooting through apparent cover at Direct range: the furthest you can be from each other is 10 hexes. Otherwise, you're out of range and have to use Artillery anyway. If it bothers you that way, consider that cover is what you're actually hiding behind. You don't just happen to be behind it. You've got your back pressed against it while bits of brick fly around your head.
The Command reroll is an obvious choice a third of the time. I don't think I like it. It becomes "Reroll any 1s or 2s."
If you wanted to simulate command, I think the thing to do is give a guy a flag as an attachment, he gets an extra initiative die, and he can give them to anyone. I don't think it's worth it.
This makes...
FSF go "Your command idea reminds me of the board game, Ambush"*
*click in for more
9. On 2006-07-07, Sydney Freedberg said:
Or maybe your direct-fire-range weapons aren't pure straight line-of-sight stuff like lasers or bullets at all. I'm kinda fond of railguns firing smart projectiles with limited maneuver capability, myself.
10. On 2006-07-07, Ninja Monkey J said:
Here's the funny thing about stuff like Mechaton, though: it looks like they're super high tech stuff, but there are no clouds of invisibly small recon drones, no NBC, no pickup truck with a mounted machine gun in the back, no dude with an RPG on a rooftop. They're really fighting like they're in WWI, or even the Civil War.
Oddly, I think it alters the game unrecognizably to bring in stuff that's actually even modern.
11. On 2006-07-07, Sydney Freedberg said:
> there are no clouds of invisibly small recon drones
Of course there are. YOU JUST CAN'T SEE THEM.
12. On 2006-07-07, Ninja Monkey J said:
13. On 2006-07-07, Sydney Freedberg said:
Now, taking your point more seriously:
Mechaton probably FEELS like a WWII tank battle redone as anime, much as Star Wars (the original) is WWII fighter dogfights redone in space, but it's at a high enough level of abstraction that you can imagine the details to be fairly complex and far-out. And at least it HAS sensor rules.
Compare Battletech, which I think kludges on a few pieces of electronic warfare gear in later supplements, and which goes so far as to specify weapon ranges in meters that reflect dramatically POORER performance than World War II.
14. On 2006-07-07, Ninja Monkey J said:
I'm glad you got around to filling in the blanks for me there!
So, yes, this is exactly how I'm thinking about it. (WWI up there is really erroneous. I was thinking about WWII stuff, then got pontificating about the origins of the tank, when really, you're right, it's WWII I'm thinking about).
Gundam and Battletech mecha, btw, weigh in at around 50 tons. Which is incredible, since the M1 Abrams weighs 65. So, you'd think with these incredibly lightweight materials, other things would have changed, too.
Don't forget, Sydney: these things all have to be visible attachments on the mecha. Whatever the scale (it's vague when we play, but if we put some guys down for scale, it would be more concrete), a guy with a duffel bag full of tiny airplanes is too small to represent in Mechaton. And besides, what you want is really a drone with nothing but one yellow die.
heh. hm.
V., I wanna try this. One Green, one Yellow, No Whites. And they come by the dozen. This could work for the GitS-themed game I was talking about. Fuchis, minifigs, and these little drones.
15. On 2006-07-08, Valamir said:
Battle Tech is silly tech on numerous levels. Not the least of which is ground preasure. One of my engineering friends once calculated the ground preasure of the original battle tech mechs. That much weight (up to 100 tons) pressing down on a single foot (because the mech has to step) at the scale of those mechs would literally be immobile. Reinforced concrete would crumble under the pressure. You'd sink into the ground, i forget how many feet, but far enough to be truly silly.
16. On 2006-07-08, Ninja Monkey J said:
I just wrote a big, gripey post about how Battletech isn't science fiction because it doesn't care about the ramifications of its technology on a technical or social level. Then I realized that the game is just not very good in general and decided to stop talking about it.
This makes...
SF go "Link?"*
NinJ go "Oh, I deleted it. But in summary:"*
*click in for more
17. On 2006-07-11, Sydney Freedberg said:
Well, Mechaton isn't science fiction by that standard, either. But it is shaping up to be a darned good game and, equally important to obsessives like myself, reasonably plausible militarily. (As opposed to Battletech, which is fun for a while but which doesn't seem to have much for light mechs to do when heavies are on the field, let alone Warhammer, which seems to boil down to amped-up uberheroes annihilating everyone else).
Anyway, your mech's one-die yellow attachment can be a micro-drone dispenser-controller as easily as a big targeting scope. "The game mechanics are the same, you just describe the effect differently"—heck, haven't roleplayers been doing this since CHAMPIONS?
18. On 2006-07-12, Ninja Monkey J said:
Oh, yeah, Mechaton's WWII tank combat with the ugly, horrible stuff taken out and replaced with fun, like a pharaoh's evil heart removed and replaced with myrrh. Not SF.
The reason the yellow dice aren't the same as remote drones is that your dude has to be there; they don't work at Artillery range. That's important. I can't spot where my dude's not. Which is why I want to make some actual sensor drones, which is kinda what the fuchis are, but not really; it turns out they're too much of a terror. They get across the field and spot for the artillery or aid one side in a battle between opponents you want to fight.
(stupid variant rules deleted)
19. On 2006-07-12, Jaelra said:
Hey, anyone got some reccomendations for good lego packs to buy for the mech fighting action?
Alas, my lego collection of yore is no more, and I wish to play this most excellent game. :D
20. On 2006-07-12, Vincent said:
Did you see this post, Jaelra? How I buy mechs
There's lots of good resources in the comments to that post.
21. On 2006-07-14, Uriel said:
Another game yesterday. Two players, two mechas and two stations each. Fairly short game with both of us taking a station each in the beginning but with me having more luck with scoring hits which resulted in an overwhelming victory. I didn't got to hear what he thought about it though, I think he got a bit miffed by being so totally crushed, which was more bad luck than anything. Still didn't get to use any sensor dice. And I forgot the extra green d8 he should've got when I blew his last ranged weapon. He could've made a desperate rush on me and gone HtH with white dice.
I also uploaded all my mecha pictures to a Brickshelf gallery. I've got around 30 mechas now, more than I'll need probably, so I'm trying to restrain myself from buying more.
22. On 2006-07-14, Uriel said:
So since VB has disabled marginalia I'll post the link here instead and you'll just have to copy c-v it instead.
23. On 2006-07-14, Vincent said:
24. On 2006-07-14, Vincent said:
Pizza mech! Wo0t!
25. On 2006-07-14, Ninja Monkey J said:
I really like this dude.
26. On 2006-07-14, Vincent said:
Hell yeah. The paneled back slope is hot. Makes it look like a jeep.
27. On 2006-07-15, Ninja Monkey J said:
Or, of course this guy:

28. On 2006-07-16, Uriel said:
I'll be going on my vacation now for a couple of weeks, but when I get back I'll hopefully get a big game together and also built some new cool mechas. I'd like to built something with tracks.
Glad to hear you liked some of them. See ya in a few weeks!
29. On 2010-04-06, tribes said:
Would you recommend your rules for exo force? Would it be able to handle ground vehicles and ground troops? Thanks.
30. On 2010-04-06, Joshua A.C. Newman said:
Since mecha can look like anything, they can look like ground vehicles and troops.
If you look search this blog for the word "Dunesque", you'll see my Sisterhood of Taw, who were an army of dagger-wielding fanatics. Looking around at other Mechaton stuff, you'll see other ground troops, cars, tanks, and stuff, in addition to lots of mecha.
31. On 2010-12-03, mechaman said:
ok thanks but still its five months ago, i mean what happened to like ninJ and dmq and emily?
32. On 2010-12-22, mechaman said:
uuuuuuh... hello?
33. On 2010-12-22, Joshua A.C. Newman said:
What's five months ago?
(I'm NinJ, btw.)
34. On 2010-12-27, Ianator said:
Things are a bit slow in the Mechaton metaverse. Not entirely surprising, as there's a few barriers to a new edition (like the campaign rules, or the lack of a single kit viable as a Mechaton Starter Set).
I'm also waaay overdue on working Mechaton into Gametable or VASSAL.
35. On 2011-01-03, Joshua A.C. Newman said:
We're gonna have some exciting Mechaton news, once I'm done with Human Contact and Vincent and I can work some stuff out.
There's a thread going on over at RPGnet right now, if you want a more vibrant discussion.
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