
2018-02-21 : Retrospective: How RPGs Work

Over the years, I've presented here a number of series of posts about how I think rpgs work. Some of them were fruitful, some less so, but here are a few of my favorites.

Dice & Clouds (2009)
Prologue: 1-18-05 : How RPG Rules Work
2009-04-07 : 3 Resolution Systems
2009-04-09 : cloud-to-cloud
2009-04-09 : Scale, Depth, Clouds, Dice
2009-04-10 : A Moment of Judgment
2009-04-27 : Dice & Cloud: a Symmetry
2009-05-13 : Now where WAS I...
2009-06-07 : Concrete Examples of Arrows
2009-06-08 : Restating: Fictional Causes and Realization
2009-06-09 : Adequacy, Cause and Effect
2009-06-15 : Lazy Play vs IIEE with Teeth
Culminating in:
2009-06-24 : Rock of Tahamaat, Tyrant of IIEE

Unreliable Currency (2010)
Prologue: 2005-05-20 : Things on Character Sheets
2010-02-16 : Things on Character Sheets (2)
2010-02-18 : Currency - Spanning Divide and Range
2010-02-19 : Shared Positioning at the Micro
2010-02-23 : Can your brains just do it?
2010-03-01 : Reliable vs Unreliable Currency

Monster Mania Con (2012)
2012-02-11 : 3 Problems
2012-03-15 : Monster Mania Con
2012-03-19 : If it isn't an RPG, is it still an RPG?
2012-03-21 : Monster Mania Con: barriers to interest
2012-04-14 : Jessica Hammer on Dread

Positioning, Real & Fictional (2012)
2012-11-12 : Where were we...?
2012-11-14 : Emily on Fictional Positioning
2012-11-15 : the Big Model vs Emily, reconciled
2012-11-16 : System and gameplay options
2012-11-20 : My Premature Conclusion
2012-11-21 : Some Looly Pooly Groundwork
2012-11-26 : Two Timelines
2012-12-04 : Two Timelines in Text
2012-12-07 : Legitimacy and Occult Co-ownership
2012-12-20 : Retroactive
2012-12-26 : what about Resource and Effectiveness?
2012-12-27 : the Okay Cycle
2012-12-28 : Disagreements?

Objects Schmobjects (2014)
2014-07-15 : Procedure, Components, Object, Strategy, Style
2014-07-17 : Strategy vs Style
2014-07-18 : Objects of RPGs
2014-07-18 : Non-Endstate Objects, Strategy & Style
2014-07-19 : Aside: Designing a Bell Curve
2014-07-21 : The Object and Particular Strategy
2014-07-21 : Reminder: Object Schmobject
2014-07-23 : The Trouble with RPGs
2014-07-24 : The Trouble with RPGs (ii)
2014-07-25 : RPGs Have Objects, Q&A

1. On 2018-02-25, Tim Ralphs said:

Thanks for this! That "IIEE with teeth" post is something I've been thinking about lately, playing Blades in the Dark. Nice to have it just there!


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