My Generous Supporters

You can find Alex Norris at Poor Impulse Control.
Show Alex Norris's conversations >>
I wrote a couple of Dungeon World playbooks once.

You can find blinks at Adam Blinkinsop.
Show blinks's conversations >>
Code, music, games: build and play.

You can find caitiecat at caitlynn belle dot com.
Show caitiecat's conversations >>
I design games, read minds, and eat lettuce

You can find Comeau at wowie look at all this trash.
Show Comeau's conversations >>
i played Apocalypse World once and now i kitbash things into existence.

You can find CraigM at Craig Maloney.
Show CraigM's conversations >>
Just another Linux hacker.

You can find davidepignedoli at
Show davidepignedoli's conversations >>
game design noob

You can find dorward at The Core Worlds.
Show dorward's conversations >>
Gamer of many years. Would like more hours in the day (or to not have the need to sleep).

You can find downwithpeople at I Eat The Poison.
Show downwithpeople's conversations >>
i kill everything i fuck i fuck everything i kill

You can find drhayes at drhayes.
Show drhayes's conversations >>
I'm really bad at this kind of thing.

You can find edige23 at Age of Ravens.
Show edige23's conversations >>
Blogger and podcaster. Mostly a gamer.

You can find emilycare at Black & Green Games.
Show emilycare's conversations >>
Into indie.

You can find Jimmy at Skepnad Studios.
Show Jimmy's conversations >>

You can find John V at Machine Planet Press.
Show John V's conversations >>
Screenwriter, painter, game design enthusiast.

You can find Joshua A.C. Newman at xenoglyph.
Show Joshua A.C. Newman's conversations >>
Designer of Shock:Social Science Fiction and Human Contact, co-designer of Mobile Frame Zero, publisher of, oh, I dunno, a lot of things by now.

You can find Junebug at radical town.
Show Junebug's conversations >>
trans, non-denominational communist, indie game designer, she/her

You can find Mike at NerdLouisville.
Show Mike's conversations >>
Into games.

You can find misuba at Gibberish.
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I am the guy you've heard about who theorizes about games but doesn't play them

You can find mrbrianpaul at Dorks In Dungeons.
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Chemical Engineer by day, Improv Comic by night, Gamer by even later night.

You can find nachovega at Omnicritical .
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Translator (English>Spanish) Cultural Studies and literature researcher

You can find Obscure at Spewage Pipe.
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A biochemist and an armchair game designer, doing nothing that I can ever hope to monetize.

You can find Paul Czege at Half Meme Press.
Show Paul Czege's conversations >>
Designer of My Life with Master and The Clay That Woke. Winner of the Diana Jones Award.

You can find Phil Lewis at Ziapelta Games.
Show Phil Lewis's conversations >>
Boardgames that feel like role-playing games and role-playing games that feel like boardgames.

You can find Phil Vecchione at Encoded Designs.
Show Phil Vecchione's conversations >>
Writer/Blogger/Podcaster. Author of Never Unprepared and other GMing text. Making the jump into game design.

You can find Rob Deobald at Thac0s at Midnight.
Show Rob Deobald's conversations >>
Plays a wide variety of games. Blogs about them sometimes. Organizer for the Toronto Area Gamers ( gaming community.

You can find Roshirai at @Roshirai on Twitter.
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Game developer. Used to build massively multiplayer online games for SEGA of America. Now builds moderately multiplayer offline games for himself.

You can find Ry at Back when it didn't suck.
Show Ry's conversations >>
Trying to write AWAKE

You can find Thomas D at denagh design.
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I'm a graphic designer that does book layout. I live in the middle of a spooky forest.

You can find Tiger at
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You can find Urs at Anathema.
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Creator of the Anathema toolkit for White Wolf's Exalted.

You can find Vincent at anyway.
Show Vincent's conversations >>
Proprietor of lumpley games and of this very website. Creator of a bunch of tabletop games, mostly rpgs.

You can find YakovPettersson at
Show YakovPettersson's conversations >>
Currently working on FitD hack eye of Posiedon and doing AP content.

Vincent's Conversations

Topic: Try Something Challenging?
In: AW:Burned Over - A Standout
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2024-06-25
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Reconsolidated AW basic moves
In: Apocalypse World Basic Moves - Reconsolidated
Started by Sander on 2024-02-27
7 replies by Vincent, Sander, Ranx (8 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Sigils
In: The Demon Tree: the First Demon Playbook, the Fleshmelder
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2024-05-21
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Big fan, and a request for a friend
In: AW:Burned Over - Quarantine
Started by atamajakki on 2024-05-21
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Translation
In: The Wolf King's Son: Improved Interactive PDF Character Sheets
Started by Sander on 2024-04-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Back someone's play
In: Apocalypse World Basic Moves - Reconsolidated
Started by Elias Helfer on 2024-03-17
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: I think...
In: AW:Burned Over - The Child-Thing
Started by Uroboros-Binary02 on 2024-02-29
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Battle moves
In: Apocalypse World Basic Moves - Reconsolidated
Started by Sander on 2024-02-27
3 replies by Vincent, Sander (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: One basic move per stat?!
In: Tales of Timberwind 2024: Systems & Basic Moves
Started by dwbapst on 2024-02-04
2 replies by Vincent, dwbapst (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Who else gets Venues?
In: AW:Burned Over - The Proprietor
Started by atamajakki on 2024-01-30
2 replies by ishmadrad, Vincent (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Gut-Wrenching, Really Fun
In: MF0:Firebrands: A Medical Crisis
Started by atamajakki on 2023-12-07
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: What happened to the Maestro'd?
In: AW:Burned Over: the Playbooks & the Moves
Started by atamajakki on 2023-11-18
2 replies by Vincent, atamajakki (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Con energy
In: Orbital Transport Board Game Prototype 1
Started by rossum on 2023-11-20
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: "Casual" campaign prep
In: The Demon Tree: First Campaign Prep Notes
Started by Nick G on 2023-11-15
3 replies by Vincent, Nick G (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Coming to this way too late...
In: MF0:Firebrands: Violence Erupts
Started by atamajakki on 2023-11-08
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: What the characters do?
In: Some Kind of Space Ship Hornblower Game, First Notes
Started by Chris M on 2023-10-05
3 replies by Vincent, Shane (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Otherkind dice and crew assignment
In: Some Kind of Space Ship Hornblower Game, First Notes
Started by Shane on 2023-09-26
2 replies by Vincent, Shane (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Firefly
In: Some Kind of Space Ship Hornblower Game, First Notes
Started by Chris M on 2023-09-26
4 replies by Vincent, Shane, Hteph (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Also the Traveling Innkeeper
In: Untitled Game: the Demon Tree & an Example Demon
Started by Vincent on 2023-08-08
no replies yet.
go to conversation >>

Topic: Love the "Introductory Script" concept
In: The Wolf King's Son: 4 Interactive Playbooks
Started by zerodignity on 2023-07-09
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: I don't know that I know the why!
In: Fugitive Dreams: Spectral Mysteries
Started by stras on 2023-06-06
2 replies by plausiblefabulist, Vincent (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Experience
In: Untitled Game: the Servant of Blood, the Archwizard, the Initiate Bard
Started by Jeremy Strandberg on 2023-06-25
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Oh and thanks to William...
In: The First Age: The Harrier
Started by Vincent on 2023-04-28
no replies yet.
go to conversation >>

Topic: No qualities
In: [AW SRD] Preview 1
Started by Jeremy on 2023-02-03
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Examples from other games?
In: [AW SRD] Preview 1
Started by Jeremy on 2023-02-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Doing Battle
In: [AW SRD] Preview 1
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2023-01-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Attacking Someone wording
In: [AW SRD] Preview 1
Started by Mark Redacted on 2023-01-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: How should I use this document?
In: [AW SRD] Preview 1
Started by Nick G on 2023-01-30
2 replies by Vincent, Nick G (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Do you want proof reading notes?
In: [AW SRD] Preview 1
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2023-01-30
2 replies by Vincent (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Sharing Settings
In: The Boondoggle Hob: Interactive Digital Playbooks
Started by Vincent on 2022-11-30
4 replies by Bryant S., Vincent, John Mc, G (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Spectres and "using their words"
In: Mysteries in Fugitive Dreams (part 1)
Started by Kit on 2022-10-31
3 replies by Vincent, Kit (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Presenting clues
In: Mysteries in Fugitive Dreams (part 1)
Started by Bloodwork on 2022-11-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: This looks amazing, excited and Afraid!
In: Mysteries in Fugitive Dreams (part 1)
Started by Princey on 2022-10-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Fugitive Dreams vs Monster of the Week?
In: Mysteries in Fugitive Dreams (part 1)
Started by Hollow Man on 2022-10-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Specters and Tragedies
In: Mysteries in Fugitive Dreams (part 1)
Started by ALMuti on 2022-10-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Micky Rourke as the Street Wizard
In: The Street Wizard
Started by Jonathon Dyer on 2022-10-27
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: PUA?
In: The One Who Put Aside Their Wings
Started by dwbapst on 2022-09-22
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: How do you deal with the wizard's demise?
In: The Wizard's Grimoire
Started by chiaroscuro on 2022-09-17
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Delightful
In: World of Fantasy!?!
Started by John Harper on 2022-07-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Random rule idea - retained extra die
In: The Pit: Complete First Draft
Started by Mikael on 2022-07-05
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Are the spells reusable?
In: The Pit: Complete First Draft
Started by Mikael on 2022-06-23
2 replies by Vincent, Mikael (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Just tried it.
In: MF0:Firebrands: Violence Erupts
Started by ehronlime on 2022-06-23
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

In: MF0:Firebrands: Violence Erupts
Started by Jeremy on 2022-06-18
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The Pit playtest
In: The Pit: Complete First Draft
Started by Princey on 2022-06-12
3 replies by Vincent, Princey (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Demeanor die, "plus one more"
In: The Pit: Complete First Draft
Started by Jim D. on 2022-05-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: I like Spiritual Raises & Sees
In: The Deseret Affair - Play Material Sketch
Started by Kit on 2022-05-20
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: What you carry?
In: The Pit Part 1
Started by rossum on 2022-04-27
6 replies by Vincent, rossum, vian (7 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Weapons and armour dice
In: The Pit Part 1
Started by matteosuppo on 2022-05-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Web link
In: Kite Day in Reign Country - Demo
Started by Sean F on 2022-04-27
4 replies by Vincent, Sean F (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Puppies!
In: As Surely as Night Follows Day...
Started by Spwack on 2022-03-22
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Appreciation
In: The Deseret Affair
Started by wmerrifield on 2022-03-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Musing about horrible things for fun
In: The Deseret Affair
Started by Rafu on 2022-03-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Procedurally generated crimes?
In: The Deseret Affair
Started by Gordon on 2022-02-28
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Rage
In: The Deseret Affair
Started by Sean F on 2022-02-28
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Bloodhound
In: As Surely as Night Follows Day...
Started by Judd on 2021-12-31
2 replies by Vincent, Ebok (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Please Redownload!
In: Faie Baker: Shell & Soul Player Preview
Started by Vincent on 2021-12-02
no replies yet.
go to conversation >>

Topic: Physical setup alternative
In: Tiptoes...In Ghost Mansion!
Started by Mikael on 2021-11-02
3 replies by Vincent, Mikael (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: large rooms
In: Tiptoes...In Ghost Mansion!
Started by inklesspen on 2021-10-30
3 replies by Vincent, Mikael (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: How much truth is there
In: Under Hollow Hills: C.W. Spider
Started by Arch O'Donnell on 2021-09-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The Traits seem really... well not risky.
In: The Unnamed World: 3 New Packets
Started by Ebok on 2021-09-11
3 replies by Ebok, Vincent (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Submitting to Circumstance
In: The Wizard's Grimoire Series
Started by Paul Taliesin on 2021-04-21
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Escalating on a See
In: I guess this is the announcement?
Started by Paul Taliesin on 2021-03-30
4 replies by Vincent, Paul Taliesin (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Good play
In: Space Tug Blues
Started by Gordon on 2021-03-30
2 replies by Vincent, Gordon (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: I love the physical affordances of this game
In: Space Tug Blues
Started by Nathan Black on 2021-03-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Folding
In: Space Tug Blues
Started by Junebug on 2021-03-29
2 replies by Vincent, Gordon (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: OMG
In: Space Tug Blues
Started by William on 2021-03-29
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Moar Wisen-Moot!!!
In: A Sampler of Fantasy Games
Started by Meguey on 2021-01-31
6 replies by Gryffon, Vincent, Jeremy, SupernalClarity, Mike (7 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Playtest Feedback
In: I guess this is the announcement?
Started by Xavid on 2021-03-11
4 replies by Vincent, Xavid (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Fortunes
In: 1st Look: A City on the Great Road
Started by Hobbesque on 2021-02-17
2 replies by Vincent, Hobbesque (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Is this the latest?
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by Hobbesque on 2021-02-16
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Storming the Wizard's Castle
In: A Sampler of Fantasy Games
Started by NoahTheDuke on 2021-02-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Denizens from the Underdoom - Password Protected Site
In: A Sampler of Fantasy Games
Started by JasonDAngelo on 2021-01-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Broken Link
In: A Sampler of Fantasy Games
Started by bonkydog on 2021-01-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: first play questions
In: I guess this is the announcement?
Started by aurabelle on 2021-01-27
2 replies by Vincent, aurabelle (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Burned Over in print?
In: AW:Burned Over: the Playbooks & the Moves
Started by Wombat on 2021-01-24
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Battle Update/Tactical Advantages
In: AW:Burned Over: the Playbooks & the Moves
Started by Grog on 2021-01-26
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Weird stat formatting issue and experience question
In: AW:Burned Over: the Playbooks & the Moves
Started by Hollow Man on 2021-01-24
2 replies by Vincent (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Questions/Thoughts from character creation
In: I guess this is the announcement?
Started by Xavid on 2021-01-20
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Escalation Arenas
In: I guess this is the announcement?
Started by aurabelle on 2021-01-09
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Equinox Questions
In: Tovey Baker's Equinox: a Game of Preparedness
Started by Balesir on 2021-01-01
2 replies by Vincent (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Multiple Arenas
In: I guess this is the announcement?
Started by Nachiket on 2020-12-03
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Follow Up Conflicts
In: I guess this is the announcement?
Started by JasonDAngelo on 2020-12-02
3 replies by Vincent, JasonDAngelo (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Mercy
In: I guess this is the announcement?
Started by JasonDAngelo on 2020-12-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Conflict dice
In: Racing Toward an Announcement
Started by HalexB on 2020-11-12
2 replies by HalexB, Vincent (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Bringing in Dice
In: Racing Toward an Announcement
Started by HalexB on 2020-11-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: A City on the Great Road playbooks
In: 1st Look: A City on the Great Road
Started by paradoxicalGentleman on 2020-09-16
2 replies by Vincent, Judd (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Quick Question + Praise
In: A New Sorcery Magic System
Started by Bryant S. on 2020-09-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: "Get a move from another playbook" advance
In: 1st Look: A City on the Great Road
Started by Nachiket on 2020-09-15
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Errata coming!
In: Elliot Baker: Numbwater Salvage Company
Started by Vincent on 2020-09-13
no replies yet.
go to conversation >>

Topic: Yay!
In: Elliot Baker: Numbwater Salvage Company
Started by John Harper on 2020-08-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Do Something Hard and the Snowball
In: World of Adventure: REBORN!
Started by JasonDAngelo on 2020-01-27
6 replies by Vincent, JasonDAngelo, Joshua (7 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Balance?
In: Keep Keeping It Under Your Hat!
Started by Jim DelRosso on 2020-08-01
5 replies by Vincent, Jim DelRosso, Nachiket (6 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Talking About the Game
In: Keep Keeping It Under Your Hat!
Started by Nachiket on 2020-07-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Dog gone...
In: Keep Keeping It Under Your Hat!
Started by Chroma on 2020-07-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: When to run Burned Over vs. AW2e as-writ
In: Keep It Under Your Hat!
Started by Jim DelRosso on 2020-05-31
6 replies by Vincent, Jim DelRosso, Judd (7 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Onrushing Revelation
In: AW:Burned Over: No One
Started by jedmackay on 2020-06-30
2 replies by Vincent, Judd (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Fey?
In: AW:Burned Over: No One
Started by Steffan on 2020-06-30
2 replies by Vincent, Steffan (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: "Manifest"
In: Keep It Under Your Hat!
Started by ALMuti on 2020-05-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Hooray! Also, ship?
In: World of Adventure: REBORN!
Started by Guildmaster Ryan on 2020-06-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: I'm angry about George Floyd today...
In: Keep It Under Your Hat!
Started by Jesse B. Miller on 2020-05-29
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Excited Vibes
In: Keep It Under Your Hat!
Started by Gryffon on 2020-05-27
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Very nice
In: Keep It Under Your Hat!
Started by John Harper on 2020-05-27
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: New moves!
In: AW:Burned Over: the Bloodhound & Vehicle Update
Started by birds on 2020-04-29
2 replies by Grog, Vincent (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Heya, where do I get at more Burned Over?
In: AW:Burned Over: The X-Earther and Near Earth
Started by Shane on 2020-03-21
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: A Magic System from 2012
In: A Magic System from 2012
Started by Matausch on 2020-03-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Interesting use of wealth!
In: AW:Burned Over: The X-Earther and Near Earth
Started by William on 2020-02-29
3 replies by Vincent, William (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: 10+ on Confront Someone seems weak
In: Burned Over: The Restless and the Undaunted
Started by Simon_Hibbs on 2020-02-25
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Development Question: When you become overwhelmed
In: The Lost Spells of Venus: a party game
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2020-02-13
2 replies by Vincent, Darrin Michelson (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: We played this last night
In: The Lost Spells of Venus: a party game
Started by Junebug on 2020-02-16
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Easy vs Hard
In: World of Fantasy!
Started by Spwack on 2020-02-12
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Easy vs Hard
In: World of Fantasy!
Started by Spwack on 2020-02-11
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: One problem...
In: World of Fantasy!
Started by Vincent on 2020-01-31
3 replies by Simon_Hibbs, Bryant S. (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Have you ever fallen out of gaming?
In: Monthly Discussion #???
Started by Ry on 2019-06-23
3 replies by Vincent, MadJay, Simon_Hibbs (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: I have a confession...
In: The Lost Spells of Venus: a party game
Started by Vincent on 2020-02-04
1 reply by Junebug (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: How timely..for me!!!
In: World of Fantasy!
Started by MadJay on 2020-01-31
3 replies by Vincent, William (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Interesting Strategy
In: Elliot Baker: Ninecourts
Started by Bryant S. on 2020-02-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: It's fun!
In: Elliot Baker: Ninecourts
Started by DarthPinkHippo on 2020-01-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Hyped
In: World of Adventure: REBORN!
Started by Jim D. on 2020-01-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The range of basic moves
In: World of Adventure: REBORN!
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2020-01-29
3 replies by Vincent, Darrin Michelson, JasonDAngelo (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Oh boy!
In: World of Adventure: REBORN!
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2020-01-28
3 replies by Darrin Michelson, Vincent (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Boiling the soda can?
In: The Barbarian's Bloody Quest
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2019-05-25
3 replies by Vincent, Darrin Michelson (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The trouble with Harm, and I want to try this.
In: World of Adventure: REBORN!
Started by Ryebread on 2020-01-24
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: PbtA Poetics
In: World of Adventure: REBORN!
Started by Gryffon on 2020-01-23
3 replies by Gryffon, shimrod, Vincent (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: frustration in untitled goose game
In: 8 Pretty Good Games: a Video Game Zine
Started by Ignotus on 2019-12-30
2 replies by Vincent, Meguey (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: A Prelude For Venus
In: One Move's Iterations
Started by Maezar on 2019-12-30
2 replies by Vincent, Maezar (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: What would I need if I wanted to run/play Under Hollow Hills now, while waiting for the official release?
In: Under Hollow Hills: Two Playbooks, Plus an Update!
Started by Nezumi on 2019-12-15
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Thank you for this beautiful game
In: The Wolf-King's Son
Started by scumbagdm on 2019-12-10
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Mapping dead ends
In: Six Interesting Things You Might Otherwise Scroll Past
Started by Kit on 2019-11-27
3 replies by Vincent, Kit, Junebug (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: When do you expect a beta release for WoS?
In: You Guessed This was Coming...
Started by Ebok on 2019-12-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Fallen Empires vs World of Sorcery?
In: You Guessed This was Coming...
Started by Justus on 2019-09-30
2 replies by Ebok, Vincent (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Go Unnoticed
In: Tales of Timberwind Early Access - Update!
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2019-11-19
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Under Hollow Hills Kickstarter
In: Under Hollow Hills: A Dangerous Tea-Party
Started by Nullpunkt on 2019-09-19
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: What dice are rolled here?
In: Under Hollow Hills: A Dangerous Tea-Party
Started by hyphz on 2019-09-12
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: A small sack of gems
In: The Long History of Under Hollow Hills
Started by atamajakki on 2018-08-16
2 replies by Meguey, Vincent (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Number of volunteers
In: The Wizard's Grimoire
Started by countercheck on 2019-07-31
2 replies by Vincent, countercheck (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Still not abandoned?
In: World of Adventure: Still Not Abandoned!
Started by samtung on 2018-08-19
3 replies by Vincent, Guildmaster Ryan (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Burned Over and +1 Stat/Stat Substitution Moves
In: Monthly Discussion #???
Started by Nachiket on 2019-07-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Canon offscreen gamestate
In: Monthly Discussion #???
Started by Piers on 2019-06-23
7 replies by Vincent, Bryant S., Harpunea, Piers, shimrod (8 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: As always, whenever a rule is broken, the cheater pays the price
In: The Last Adventure
Started by Spwack on 2019-07-01
3 replies by Vincent, shimrod (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: History
In: Tales of Timberwind Early Access!
Started by JayLoomis on 2019-07-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: What are the animals' objectives?
In: Tales of Timberwind Early Access!
Started by Jeremy on 2019-06-30
5 replies by Vincent, Mikael, JayLoomis (6 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Exciting!
In: The Thief & The Necromancer
Started by John Harper on 2019-06-24
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: I would love to read short stories about these two
In: The Thief & The Necromancer
Started by antisinecurist on 2019-06-25
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Fiction producing AW moves are hard!
In: Monthly Discussion #???
Started by MadJay on 2019-06-23
4 replies by Kit, Vincent, MadJay (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Please Redownload!
In: The Thief & The Necromancer
Started by Vincent on 2019-06-25
no replies yet.
go to conversation >>

Topic: Necromantic Senses
In: The Thief & The Necromancer
Started by Jeremy on 2019-06-25
2 replies by Vincent, Jeremy (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Exertions for the Necromancer
In: The Thief & The Necromancer
Started by Arch O'Donnell on 2019-06-23
3 replies by Arch O'Donnell, Vincent (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Divination Games
In: The Ghost of Eunice Williams
Started by Vincent on 2019-05-30
2 replies by Ilex, Paul Czege (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Should the volunteers read the grimoire?
In: The Wizard's Grimoire
Started by Spwack on 2019-03-20
4 replies by Vincent, Spwack, shimrod (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Big Bad Game Jam 2019
In: The Ghost of Eunice Williams
Started by Vincent on 2019-05-30
no replies yet.
go to conversation >>

Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Small note on the spawning circumstances
In: The Barbarian's Bloody Quest
Started by stras on 2019-05-24
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: First session report
In: The Wizard's Grimoire
Started by Grog on 2019-04-24
5 replies by Vincent, Grog (6 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: #Folklorejam
In: The True & Preposterous Journey of Half-a-Fool
Started by Vincent on 2019-04-25
3 replies by Kit, Vincent, Arch O'Donnell (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: How dubious?
In: The True & Preposterous Journey of Half-a-Fool
Started by Spwack on 2019-04-26
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: extremely charmed
In: The True & Preposterous Journey of Half-a-Fool
Started by Clarity on 2019-04-25
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: a little typo
In: The True & Preposterous Journey of Half-a-Fool
Started by Clarity on 2019-04-25
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Illustration
In: The True & Preposterous Journey of Half-a-Fool
Started by Vincent on 2019-04-25
no replies yet.
go to conversation >>

Topic: A quick session report!
In: The Wizard's Grimoire
Started by Roshirai on 2019-03-20
3 replies by Vincent, Rustin, Spwack (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Updated!
In: The Wizard's Grimoire
Started by Vincent on 2019-04-02
2 replies by Paul Czege, Vincent (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Pronoun correction?
In: Under Hollow Hills: Introducing the Artists, part 1
Started by iodhadh on 2019-03-27
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Breakdown of Process
In: The Wizard's Grimoire
Started by OniNinja on 2019-03-15
2 replies by Vincent, OniNinja (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Fearnot!
In: Under Hollow Hills: The Worldly Frog and Half-a-Fool
Started by OniNinja on 2019-03-01
2 replies by Vincent, OniNinja (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Read a Situation!
In: First Look: Burned Over
Started by doyce on 2019-03-09
2 replies by Vincent, doyce (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The peanut gallery?
In: Under Hollow Hills: The Worldly Frog and Half-a-Fool
Started by Clarity on 2019-02-28
5 replies by Joao, Clarity, Ignotus, Vincent (6 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The Tour Sheet
In: Under Hollow Hills: The Worldly Frog and Half-a-Fool
Started by Gaiduku on 2019-02-28
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: How has Do Battle worked out in play?
In: Burned Over: The Restless and the Undaunted
Started by Leviathanos on 2019-02-22
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: "Do you remember me?"
In: Bricksticuffs!
Started by William on 2019-02-28
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Flamethrowering
In: The Skiller
Started by Vincent on 2018-03-17
5 replies by Dandyetical, Carrie Ulrich, lukehawksbee, Owen (6 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Dungeon world
In: The Hunters
Started by Ignotus on 2019-02-01
2 replies by shimrod, Vincent (3 unread).
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Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: FOR DELOS W
In: Monthly Discussion #44 / #45
Started by Vincent on 2019-02-03
no replies yet.
go to conversation >>

Topic: Using Burned Over moves for AW
In: Burned Over: The Lawmaker and the Threats
Started by Comeau on 2018-12-01
6 replies by Ebok, Vincent, Comeau, doyce (7 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Burned Over and Themes About Death
In: Burned Over: The Weaponized and the Effects
Started by Owen on 2019-01-16
2 replies by Vincent, Owen (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Megagame Design
In: A Magic System from 2012
Started by Steffan on 2018-12-15
3 replies by Vincent, Joao, Steffan (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Forum Mess
In: Monthly Discussion #44 / #45
Started by Thanqol on 2019-01-16
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Any hopes of a Burned Over Symbiote?
In: Burned Over: The Weaponized and the Effects
Started by atamajakki on 2018-12-30
2 replies by Vincent, Comeau (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Acres Moves
In: Tales of Timberwind Sneak Peek: the Acres
Started by tortoiseandcrow on 2019-01-03
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Thankyou!
In: Burned Over: The Weaponized and the Effects
Started by Ebok on 2018-12-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Wolves of the Maelstrom threat type
In: Burned Over: The Weaponized and the Effects
Started by Nachiket on 2018-12-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Environ Damage
In: Burned Over: the First Six Playbooks
Started by Ebok on 2018-12-24
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Magic & bizarre anime superpowers
In: A Magic System from 2012
Started by Comeau on 2018-12-14
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Just to say this is good
In: A Magic System from 2012
Started by Joao on 2018-12-13
2 replies by Vincent, ALMuti (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Saying what it's "about"
In: A Magic System from 2012
Started by Kit on 2018-12-13
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: School, Teaching, and What Makes a Good Elem./Secondary Teacher
In: Monthly Discussion #43
Started by cdwjava on 2018-11-27
2 replies by Vincent, cdwjava (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Weird vs. Psi
In: Burned Over: The Lawmaker and the Threats
Started by jedmackay on 2018-12-01
3 replies by Vincent, Comeau (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Freebooting Frickin Venus
In: Monthly Discussion #43
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2018-11-27
6 replies by Vincent, Christopher Wargo (7 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Burned Over: Hardhholder?
In: Burned Over: The Lawmaker and the Threats
Started by William on 2018-11-30
4 replies by Vincent, William, Ebok, Tuner (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The Root RPG
In: Sneak Peek: Tales of Timberwind
Started by Vincent on 2018-11-30
no replies yet.
go to conversation >>

Topic: Just made my first ever game!
In: Monthly Discussion #43
Started by atamajakki on 2018-11-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The King is Fricking Dead!
In: Monthly Discussion #43
Started by Ray Visser on 2018-11-27
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Also coincidentally...
In: Monthly Discussion #43
Started by Vincent on 2018-11-27
no replies yet.
go to conversation >>

Topic: Waken Mile: Session Report
In: Under Hollow Hills: Two Playbooks, Plus an Update!
Started by tortoiseandcrow on 2018-10-02
6 replies by tortoiseandcrow, Vincent, Meguey (7 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Barter and Improvements
In: Burned Over: the First Six Playbooks
Started by Ebok on 2018-10-31
3 replies by Vincent, William, Ebok (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Experience and improvements
In: Burned Over: the First Six Playbooks
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2018-10-31
2 replies by Vincent, Joao (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Do Battle, and notation
In: Burned Over: the First Six Playbooks
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2018-10-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Burned Over: Hardhholder?
In: Burned Over: the First Six Playbooks
Started by William on 2018-10-31
5 replies by Ray Visser, Vincent, William, Arch O'Donnell, Spwack (6 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Confronting vs. Charming or Deceiving
In: Burned Over: the First Six Playbooks
Started by Ray Visser on 2018-10-31
3 replies by Vincent, Ray Visser (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Are the 2-4 friends inclusive or exclusive of "you"?
In: Penguin Space Disco!
Started by antisinecurist on 2018-10-28
2 replies by Vincent, antisinecurist (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Baker Kids' games
In: Monthly Discussion #41 / #42
Started by ALMuti on 2018-10-22
3 replies by Vincent, Meguey, ALMuti (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Apocalypse World: Dark Age
In: Ground Rules
Started by Fluttermind on 2018-10-25
2 replies by Vincent, Fluttermind.
go to conversation >>

Topic: Game Design Challenge?
In: Monthly Discussion #41 / #42
Started by tls on 2018-10-24
6 replies by Vincent, Comeau, Ray Visser, Meguey (7 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Mysterium's pretty cool
In: Monthly Discussion #41 / #42
Started by Kit on 2018-10-22
6 replies by ALMuti, Vincent, Meguey, shimrod (7 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Messing about in Twine
In: Monthly Discussion #41 / #42
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2018-10-22
2 replies by Vincent, Meguey (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The King is Dead is PbtA
In: Monthly Discussion #41 / #42
Started by Ray Visser on 2018-10-25
2 replies by Vincent, Meguey (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Favorite Root faction?
In: Monthly Discussion #41 / #42
Started by Nathan Black on 2018-10-25
2 replies by Vincent, Meguey (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Volatile Stats
In: First Look: Burned Over
Started by Joao on 2018-10-01
6 replies by Meguey, Joao, Vincent (7 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: What about a Cyberpunk Hack?
In: First Look: Burned Over
Started by Joao on 2018-10-02
2 replies by Vincent, Joao (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Very cool stuff!
In: First Look: Burned Over
Started by atamajakki on 2018-10-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Nerve Tick
In: First Look: Burned Over
Started by Vex Godglove on 2018-10-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Does anyone have a clue how to run this yet?
In: Under Hollow Hills: Two Playbooks, Plus an Update!
Started by hyphz on 2018-10-01
2 replies by Vincent, hyphz (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Pax Unplugged
In: Under Hollow Hills: Two Playbooks, Plus an Update!
Started by Steffan on 2018-10-05
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Playbook Summaries
In: Under Hollow Hills: Two Playbooks, Plus an Update!
Started by Arch O'Donnell on 2018-10-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Singing fates
In: Under Hollow Hills: Two Playbooks, Plus an Update!
Started by Ray Visser on 2018-10-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Question about small groups and Choices
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by tortoiseandcrow on 2018-08-01
6 replies by Vincent, Meguey, Joao, tortoiseandcrow, Wombat (7 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Holy hecking wow!!!
In: Under Hollow Hills: Two Playbooks, Plus an Update!
Started by Comeau on 2018-09-30
3 replies by Vincent, Meguey, tortoiseandcrow (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Custom playbooks
In: Ennis Bashe: The Runaway
Started by Comeau on 2018-09-02
3 replies by Vincent, Comeau (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Favorite Playbook?
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by Vincent on 2018-05-31
13 replies by Blind Azathoth, atamajakki, iodhadh, Arch O'Donnell, ALMuti, OniNinja, downwithpeople, Borogove, Carrie Ulrich, C.C. Hanna, scumbagdm, Joao (14 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Custom plays and advancement?
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by antisinecurist on 2018-08-22
8 replies by Vincent, antisinecurist (9 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Metaphorical moves?
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by antisinecurist on 2018-08-22
4 replies by Vincent, antisinecurist, Meguey (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Some notes from playing the game, and a question
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by Clarity on 2018-08-19
3 replies by Vincent, Meguey (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by downwithpeople on 2018-06-08
4 replies by Vincent, C.C. Hanna, tortoiseandcrow, Meguey (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Media references?
In: Five Torn Out Pages
Started by mathayles on 2018-05-25
5 replies by Vincent, Meguey (6 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Secrets
In: Under Hollow Hills: The Elfin Knight & Boneshoes
Started by tortoiseandcrow on 2018-08-02
2 replies by Vincent, tortoiseandcrow (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Move Format
In: Under Hollow Hills: The Elfin Knight & Boneshoes
Started by OniNinja on 2018-08-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Have you seen Over The Garden Wall?
In: Under Hollow Hills: Example Places and Two More Playbooks!
Started by tortoiseandcrow on 2018-07-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Good times and Bad times
In: Under Hollow Hills: The Elfin Knight & Boneshoes
Started by tortoiseandcrow on 2018-08-01
2 replies by tortoiseandcrow, Vincent (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Blood-soaked Hats
In: Under Hollow Hills: Example Places and Two More Playbooks!
Started by Arch O'Donnell on 2018-06-30
2 replies by Vincent (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Making things
In: Monthly Discussion #38 / #39
Started by tls on 2018-07-12
4 replies by Vincent, tls, Steffan (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Weeping Gale Non-move problem
In: Under Hollow Hills: Example Places and Two More Playbooks!
Started by hyphz on 2018-07-12
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Resources vs Costs
In: Monthly Discussion #38 / #39
Started by Sushi The Cat on 2018-07-12
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

In: Under Hollow Hills: Example Places and Two More Playbooks!
Started by iodhadh on 2018-07-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The Weeping Gale made me cry
In: Under Hollow Hills: Example Places and Two More Playbooks!
Started by atamajakki on 2018-06-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Have you seen Hereditary?
In: Monthly Discussion #37
Started by antisinecurist on 2018-06-22
5 replies by Jeremy, Vincent, Christopher Wargo (6 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Tiny annoying typos!
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by ALMuti on 2018-06-01
9 replies by Vincent, ALMuti, Blind Azathoth, Carrie Ulrich, C.C. Hanna (10 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Apocalypse World in Europe
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by Joao on 2018-06-21
2 replies by Vincent, Joao (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Playbook Templates?
In: Monthly Discussion #37
Started by Comeau on 2018-05-29
5 replies by Vincent, Comeau (6 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: When you say "a kind..."
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by atamajakki on 2018-06-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Going Full Winter
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by ALMuti on 2018-06-04
4 replies by Vincent, ALMuti (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Fae Insults
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by ALMuti on 2018-06-04
2 replies by Vincent, ALMuti (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Firefly Whisp
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by hyphz on 2018-05-31
3 replies by Vincent, hyphz (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: An example?
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by atamajakki on 2018-06-01
2 replies by Vincent, atamajakki (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Questions
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by OniNinja on 2018-06-01
4 replies by Vincent, OniNinja (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Kinds of shows
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2018-06-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Playing online?
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by hyphz on 2018-05-31
3 replies by atamajakki, hyphz, Vincent (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: A few questions, on a friend's behalf
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by atamajakki on 2018-05-31
5 replies by Vincent, atamajakki (6 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The MC rolls!
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by atamajakki on 2018-05-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: 1-sided pages problem?
In: Under Hollow Hills: an Unredacted Preview!
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2018-05-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: A comment from KPfS..
In: Monthly Discussion #37
Started by hyphz on 2018-05-30
3 replies by Vincent, hyphz (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Under Hollow Hills
In: Monthly Discussion #37
Started by ALMuti on 2018-05-25
5 replies by Vincent, Gryffon, atamajakki (6 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: "Coins of goods" in The Necromancer
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by Justus on 2018-05-25
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: That AW question from Pax East
In: Monthly Discussion #37
Started by ALMuti on 2018-05-25
3 replies by Vincent, Joao, mraichelson (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Two questions
In: Five Torn Out Pages
Started by atamajakki on 2018-05-16
2 replies by Vincent, atamajakki (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Two questions - AW and game design in general
In: Monthly Discussion #36! Happy Anniversary!
Started by Spwack on 2018-05-10
2 replies by Vincent, Spwack (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: This is so awesome I just wanna say...
In: Five Torn Out Pages
Started by Joao on 2018-04-29
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

In: Five Torn Out Pages
Started by downwithpeople on 2018-04-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Rules?
In: Five Torn Out Pages
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2018-04-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Love from a former fae king...
In: Five Torn Out Pages
Started by atamajakki on 2018-05-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Alien & Ephermeral
In: Five Torn Out Pages
Started by OniNinja on 2018-05-11
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Bedlam Beautiful - any plans?
In: Updated Previews: Bedlam Beautiful and The King Is Dead
Started by ALMuti on 2018-05-08
3 replies by Vincent, ALMuti (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Your Scary Fairy Godmother
In: Five Torn Out Pages
Started by Vincent on 2018-05-04
no replies yet.
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Topic: Troll
In: Five Torn Out Pages
Started by Vex Godglove on 2018-04-29
5 replies by Vincent, Joao (6 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: I am excited to try this.
In: Five Torn Out Pages
Started by blinks on 2018-04-29
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: These five pages give me chills...
In: Five Torn Out Pages
Started by Sweevie on 2018-04-28
3 replies by Gryffon, Kaarchin, Vincent (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: What ever happened to Dark Ages?
In: Monthly Discussion #36! Happy Anniversary!
Started by atamajakki on 2018-04-26
4 replies by Joao, Vincent, ALMuti (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Dammit
In: Five Torn Out Pages
Started by Kit on 2018-04-28
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Faeries
In: Monthly Discussion #36! Happy Anniversary!
Started by bergec on 2018-04-22
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Necromancer
In: Monthly Discussion #35
Started by William on 2018-03-16
5 replies by Vincent, Darrin Michelson, Joao (6 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Janet (Margaret?) of Carterhaugh
In: Monthly Discussion #36! Happy Anniversary!
Started by Kit on 2018-04-23
6 replies by Vincent, Kit (7 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Favorite Thing?
In: Monthly Discussion #36! Happy Anniversary!
Started by William on 2018-04-21
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Fallen Empires
In: Monthly Discussion #36! Happy Anniversary!
Started by bergec on 2018-04-21
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Patron vis a vis the Hardholder
In: Apocalypse World: The Patron
Started by downwithpeople on 2018-04-06
5 replies by Vincent, downwithpeople, Owen (6 unread).
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Topic: Traveller
In: Monthly Discussion #35
Started by Jeremy on 2018-03-19
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The Contaminated inspirations?
In: AW: The Contaminated
Started by StirringSagacity on 2018-04-12
2 replies by Vincent, Owen (3 unread).
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Topic: :Limits of Ravenous: when does it begin, when does it end?
In: AW: The Contaminated
Started by Owen on 2018-04-03
2 replies by Vincent, Owen (3 unread).
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Topic: Lingering Wounds
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by Comrade Gorbash on 2018-03-28
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Typo on the fucking back cover
In: The Skiller
Started by Jim D. on 2018-03-17
3 replies by Spwack, Vincent, Jim D. (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Tags and typos
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by Jim D. on 2018-03-16
2 replies by Vincent, Jim D. (3 unread).
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Topic: Re: Streaming
In: Monthly Discussion #35
Started by Vincent on 2018-03-16
3 replies by HijosDelRol, Borogove, William (4 unread).
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Topic: Projects this last month
In: Monthly Discussion #35
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2018-03-16
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: The No One Adapted
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by ferretheim on 2018-03-06
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Child of battle
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by lglindhardt on 2018-03-07
2 replies by Vincent, lglindhardt (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Kickstarter videos
In: Monthly Discussion #34
Started by Kit on 2018-02-11
4 replies by StirringSagacity, Vincent, wdavidlewis (5 unread).
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Topic: the sword master
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by mario.bolzoni on 2018-03-03
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: The Anointed
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by ferretheim on 2018-03-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Oh, and thanks as always to William.
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by Vincent on 2018-02-28
4 replies by William, Vincent (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: About the Necromancer
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by 404 on 2018-03-03
2 replies by Vincent, 404 (3 unread).
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Topic: Fallen Empire playbooks feedback
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by HankleVonCrankle on 2018-03-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: All the other playbooks
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by ALMuti on 2018-03-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Basic Playbooks, Extended Playbooks
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by Vincent on 2018-02-28
1 reply by ALMuti (2 unread).
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Topic: Attack or threaten someone
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by mario.bolzoni on 2018-03-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Essential Threats
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by Rob Deobald on 2018-02-28
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: 404 on PDF link
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by albill on 2018-02-28
3 replies by Charles, Vincent, albill (4 unread).
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Topic: A Strongholder by any other name...
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by Chroma on 2018-02-28
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Looks like the links are broke
In: AW: Fallen Empires
Started by antisinecurist on 2018-02-28
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Healing
In: AW:Fallen Empires
Started by mario.bolzoni on 2018-02-25
3 replies by Vincent, mario.bolzoni (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: So there's this ecology developing...
In: AW: The Symbiote (was: the Macaluso)
Started by Vincent on 2018-02-19
10 replies by John Harper, William, ALMuti, Vincent, Chroma, Ben Lehman, Comeau (11 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: MC moves
In: AW:Fallen Empires
Started by mario.bolzoni on 2018-02-22
2 replies by Vincent, mario.bolzoni (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Availability
In: AW: The Symbiote (was: the Macaluso)
Started by Vincent on 2018-02-17
10 replies by Chroma, albill, kobolds, Vincent, Dandyetical, atamajakki (11 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The King is Dead as an App?
In: Monthly Discussion #34
Started by Gryffon on 2018-02-11
2 replies by Mike, Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: Dreamation 2018
In: Monthly Discussion #34
Started by Chroma on 2018-02-17
2 replies by Vincent, Chroma (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The Macaluso
In: Monthly Discussion #34
Started by ALMuti on 2018-02-11
3 replies by Comeau, atamajakki, Vincent (4 unread).
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Topic: The Skiller
In: Monthly Discussion #34
Started by Vincent on 2018-02-11
3 replies by Chroma, Jeremy, Comeau (4 unread).
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Topic: Fallen Empire: What next?
In: Monthly Discussion #33
Started by ALMuti on 2018-01-18
2 replies by William, Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: Special move
In: AW: The No One
Started by Ben Lehman on 2018-02-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Errata
In: AW: The No One
Started by disquisition on 2018-01-31
2 replies by Vincent, Piers (3 unread).
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Topic: Hey look it's Rey
In: AW: The No One
Started by Ben Lehman on 2018-01-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Hacking this
In: AW: The No One
Started by ALMuti on 2018-02-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: This is killer, but...
In: AW: The No One
Started by atamajakki on 2018-01-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: This looks fantastic!
In: AW: The No One
Started by nikolaj on 2018-01-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Likely Topics
In: Updated Previews: Bedlam Beautiful and The King Is Dead
Started by disquisition on 2018-01-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Patron again?
In: Monthly Discussion #32: Free For All
Started by Jeremy on 2017-12-14
5 replies by Dandyetical, Vincent, Kit, Herman Duyker, Rook Seidhr (6 unread).
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Topic: Which King is dead?
In: Monthly Discussion #33
Started by Chroma on 2018-01-17
2 replies by Vincent, Chroma (3 unread).
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Topic: Packaging for the King is Dead
In: Monthly Discussion #33
Started by Trumonz on 2018-01-17
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Ron Edwards' Video Series
In: Monthly Discussion #33
Started by Vincent on 2018-01-17
2 replies by disquisition, Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: Vampires
In: Monthly Discussion #33
Started by the scablander on 2018-01-17
2 replies by atamajakki, Vincent (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: "Someone You Know" ambiguous wording
In: Remnant Humanity
Started by Borogove on 2018-01-11
3 replies by Vincent, Christopher Wargo, Borogove (4 unread).
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Topic: Hey Macaluso!
In: Monthly Discussion #32: Free For All
Started by Chroma on 2017-12-19
4 replies by Vincent, Chroma, Spwack, atamajakki (5 unread).
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Topic: Please introduce yourself!
In: Monthly Discussion #32: Free For All
Started by Vincent on 2017-12-14
19 replies by Jim D., Vincent, dkusan, Guy Srinivasan, ScottM, William, Chroma, albill, Spwack, Luke_W, artikid, mraichelson, Comeau (20 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Develop Your Capabilities
In: Remnant Humanity
Started by Piers on 2018-01-02
3 replies by Piers, Vincent (4 unread).
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Topic: (Xeno)economics
In: Remnant Humanity
Started by Ray Visser on 2018-01-01
2 replies by Vincent, Ray Visser (3 unread).
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Topic: Happy New Year Everybody!
In: Remnant Humanity
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2018-01-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: That hurts!
In: Tiny and Chrome!
Started by Chroma on 2017-12-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Templates for making playbook
In: Monthly Discussion #31
Started by Chroma on 2017-12-11
5 replies by Vincent, Chroma (6 unread).
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Topic: Purpose of questions in AW moves
In: Monthly Discussion #32: Free For All
Started by Luke_W on 2017-12-19
12 replies by Chroma, Vincent, Luke_W, Jim D., Spwack, Jeremy, Borogove (13 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Hx Highlight in Fallen Empires
In: Monthly Discussion #32: Free For All
Started by Spwack on 2017-12-18
2 replies by Vincent, Spwack (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Mastodon
In: Monthly Discussion #32: Free For All
Started by Vincent on 2017-12-14
2 replies by Chroma, mraichelson (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Dogs in the Vineyard - Then vs Now
In: Monthly Discussion #32: Free For All
Started by Chroma on 2017-12-14
2 replies by Vincent, Chroma (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Thoughts on Snakeguts
In: Monthly Discussion #32: Free For All
Started by Jim D. on 2017-12-14
2 replies by Vincent, Jim D. (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Just Switched To PayPal
In: Monthly Discussion #32: Free For All
Started by Mike on 2017-12-14
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: The King Is Dead
In: Monthly Discussion #32: Free For All
Started by Mike on 2017-12-14
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Making a game: release plans?
In: Monthly Discussion #31
Started by Vincent on 2017-11-20
13 replies by Thor, William, mraichelson, Kit, Nathan Black, Jeremy, Bryant S., ALMuti, C.C. Hanna, Andfan1, blinks, Vincent (14 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Who here is making a game?
In: Monthly Discussion #31
Started by Vincent on 2017-11-14
28 replies by William, Frent, Christopher Wargo, Gryffon, AllSeeingI, Trumonz, HotSoup, Greg S., Kit, Aviatrix, mraichelson, stras, Jeremy, Rob Hebert, Bryant S., Comeau, Sean F, Thor, Nathan Black, Vincent, Borogove, Chroma, C.C. Hanna, blinks, Deodatus graf (29 unread).
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Topic: 2 questions
In: AW: The Contaminated
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2017-12-05
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: "Only to itself"
In: AW: The Contaminated
Started by ALMuti on 2017-11-29
2 replies by Vincent, ALMuti (3 unread).
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Topic: AW: The Contaminated
In: AW: The Contaminated
Started by Chroma on 2017-11-29
5 replies by Vincent, Jeremy, John Harper, Vex Godglove (6 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The Lily of the Pits
In: AW: The Contaminated
Started by Gryffon on 2017-11-29
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: This is WAY off topic. Dark Age.
In: Monthly Discussion #31
Started by Mike on 2017-11-27
2 replies by Vincent, Mike (3 unread).
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Topic: The Last Mile
In: Monthly Discussion #31
Started by Trumonz on 2017-11-14
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The objects of our games
In: Monthly Discussion #31
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2017-11-14
4 replies by Vincent, Rob Hebert, Christopher Wargo (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: What is sham collaboration?
In: Monthly Discussion #31
Started by Gryffon on 2017-11-14
3 replies by Kit, Vincent (4 unread).
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Topic: Black Sails
In: Monthly Discussion #30
Started by Borogove on 2017-10-24
2 replies by Borogove, Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: Blade Runner 2049
In: Monthly Discussion #30
Started by Jeremy on 2017-10-15
4 replies by Vincent, Darrin Michelson, Nathan Black, Jeremy (5 unread).
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Topic: Star Trek: Discovery
In: Monthly Discussion #30
Started by Jeremy on 2017-10-15
2 replies by Vincent, Jeremy (3 unread).
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Topic: Mindhunter: what were you thinking about it?
In: Monthly Discussion #30
Started by Christo on 2017-10-14
3 replies by Vincent, the scablander, Gordon (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Game Stuff, History Stuff, and Politics
In: Monthly Discussion #30
Started by Vincent on 2017-10-14
7 replies by Kaarchin, Sean F, Aviatrix, antisinecurist, Vincent, Gryffon, Bryant S. (8 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Saves
In: Codename: Snakeguts
Started by Sean F on 2017-10-15
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: I watched a lot of Supernatural and a lot of the Americans
In: Monthly Discussion #30
Started by antisinecurist on 2017-10-14
2 replies by Christo, Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: American Vandal was better than it had any right to be
In: Monthly Discussion #30
Started by antisinecurist on 2017-10-14
2 replies by William, Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: What is the 31 in 31?
In: Monthly Discussion #30
Started by Jim D. on 2017-10-14
2 replies by Vincent, Christo (3 unread).
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Topic: Content vs design
In: Codename: Snakeguts
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2017-09-28
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Yurts
In: Monthly Discussion #25
Started by Sean F on 2017-06-15
4 replies by Vincent, Sean F, John Harper (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Codename: Snakeguts!
In: Codename: Snakeguts
Started by Vincent on 2017-09-26
2 replies by Bryant S., Vincent (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Single pages
In: In Dreaming Avalon
Started by Nathan Black on 2017-09-13
2 replies by Vincent, Rob Deobald (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: On violence as sketch
In: Monthly Discussion #29
Started by Jim D. on 2017-09-13
2 replies by Vincent, Jim D. (3 unread).
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Topic: Firebrands
In: Monthly Discussion #29
Started by Metal Fatigue on 2017-09-11
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: You got me at "Lyonesse and The Tempest..."
In: Monthly Discussion #29
Started by AntoineF on 2017-09-07
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: real world experiences?
In: Apocalypse World: The Patron
Started by William on 2017-09-11
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Bogost
In: Monthly Discussion #29
Started by E. Torner on 2017-09-04
2 replies by Vincent, Paul Czege (3 unread).
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Topic: The value of game art
In: Monthly Discussion #29
Started by HotSoup on 2017-09-05
2 replies by shimrod, Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: The bloody Skirmish
In: Monthly Discussion #29
Started by DealerUmbra on 2017-09-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Okay, wait: SNAKEGUTS
In: Monthly Discussion #28
Started by mraichelson on 2017-09-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Patron v1
In: Apocalypse World: The Patron
Started by Kit on 2017-08-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: AW:FE wounds?
In: Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires
Started by HotSoup on 2017-08-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Relic of a Golden Age
In: Monthly Discussion #28
Started by the scablander on 2017-08-08
6 replies by Vincent, Rob Deobald, the scablander, Meguey (7 unread).
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Topic: Nice!
In: Apocalypse World: Landfall Marine
Started by lglindhardt on 2017-07-30
5 replies by Vincent, Joao, dheeney.
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Topic: What's new in WoA?
In: Monthly Discussion #28
Started by Jim D. on 2017-08-08
3 replies by Vincent, Darrin Michelson, Carrie Ulrich (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Adapting AW (and other PbtA games) for forum play
In: Apocalypse World: Landfall Marine
Started by Metal Fatigue on 2017-07-30
2 replies by Vincent, William.
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Topic: Non-Story RPGs
In: Monthly Discussion #26 / #27
Started by ALMuti on 2017-07-27
2 replies by misuba, Vincent (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: What I hate about Apocalypse World...
In: Monthly Discussion #26 / #27
Started by Chroma on 2017-07-13
6 replies by ALMuti, John Harper, Mike, Vincent (7 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Dark Age Maps
In: The Dark Age: the Sea-giant's Throne
Started by Mike on 2017-06-24
2 replies by Vincent, Mike (3 unread).
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Topic: 5 Types of RPGs
In: Monthly Discussion #26 / #27
Started by Trumonz on 2017-07-08
6 replies by Darrin Michelson, Metal Fatigue, Jim D., Trumonz, Vincent (7 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: What Font did you use for the titles in the PDF?
In: AW:Fallen Empires
Started by Rob Deobald on 2017-07-19
2 replies by Vincent, Rob Deobald (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: PBTA presentation at Metatopia 2016
In: Monthly Discussion #26 / #27
Started by Greg S. on 2017-07-08
2 replies by Vincent, Greg S. (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: French translation of your games
In: Monthly Discussion #26 / #27
Started by Sildoenfein on 2017-07-10
2 replies by Vincent, Sildoenfein (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Resurrection: Ertugrul
In: Monthly Discussion #26 / #27
Started by Herman Duyker on 2017-07-10
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Bad experiences
In: Monthly Discussion #25
Started by Jim D. on 2017-05-14
3 replies by Jim D., Mike, Vincent (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: A nice addition to my resume...
In: Rhinoceros Joust!
Started by Vincent on 2017-06-30
1 reply by Darrin Michelson (2 unread).
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Topic: Were all the rhinoceri supposed to have the same stats?
In: Rhinoceros Joust!
Started by Jim D. on 2017-07-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Finding the right game (mechanics) for your game (campaign)...
In: Monthly Discussion #24
Started by mraichelson on 2017-04-06
3 replies by Vincent, mraichelson (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Taboo
In: Monthly Discussion #25
Started by dorward on 2017-05-13
4 replies by ALMuti, Vincent, dorward, John Harper (5 unread).
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Topic: Poldark
In: Monthly Discussion #25
Started by Kit on 2017-05-13
3 replies by Vincent, Kit (4 unread).
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Topic: Choosing before rolling
In: Monthly Discussion #25
Started by blinks on 2017-05-26
2 replies by Vincent, blinks (3 unread).
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Topic: War-Bands vs. Single Combatants
In: AW:Fallen Empires
Started by Rob Deobald on 2017-05-02
7 replies by Rob Deobald, Vincent, lglindhardt, Mike (8 unread).
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Topic: Michael Twitty
In: Monthly Discussion #25
Started by Kit on 2017-05-13
3 replies by Vincent, Kit (4 unread).
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Topic: Swordmaster
In: AW:Fallen Empires
Started by lglindhardt on 2017-05-06
3 replies by Vincent, lglindhardt (4 unread).
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Topic: Elephants
In: AW:Fallen Empires
Started by lglindhardt on 2017-05-06
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Sword and Sorcery and other flavors of Fantasy!
In: Monthly Discussion #24
Started by ALMuti on 2017-05-03
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Oh crap I forgot about shields!
In: AW:Fallen Empires
Started by Vincent on 2017-05-03
no replies yet.
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Topic: Cool inclusion of Annointed
In: AW:Fallen Empires
Started by William on 2017-04-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: AW & PTBA
In: Monthly Discussion #24
Started by Maciej Starzycki on 2017-04-04
2 replies by Vincent, Jimmy (3 unread).
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Topic: Favorite Upcoming release
In: Monthly Discussion #24
Started by Gordon on 2017-04-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: "The" "universal" system
In: Monthly Discussion #24
Started by Jeremy on 2017-04-06
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Designing the snowball
In: Monthly Discussion #24
Started by cranberryrimram on 2017-04-01
2 replies by Vincent, cranberryrimram (3 unread).
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Topic: Collections management
In: Monthly Discussion #24
Started by Kit on 2017-04-01
3 replies by Vincent, Kit (4 unread).
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Topic: My favorite new game right now
In: Monthly Discussion #24
Started by Vincent on 2017-04-01
2 replies by bioleera, Maciej Starzycki (3 unread).
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Topic: Player driven failure / MC driven success
In: Monthly Discussion #22 / #23
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2017-03-06
8 replies by Vincent, Darrin Michelson, Jim D. (9 unread).
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Topic: You Get a Point and They Get a Point
In: Playing Guessing Laughing
Started by Vincent on 2017-03-27
1 reply by Ben Lehman.
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Topic: Dogs in the Vineyard
In: Monthly Discussion #22 / #23
Started by Gryffon on 2017-03-06
2 replies by Vincent, Ben Lehman (3 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The way forward?
In: World of Adventure: Still Not Abandoned!
Started by Jim D. on 2017-02-01
4 replies by Vincent, Guildmaster Ryan (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Penguins in dangerous situations
In: Monthly Discussion #22 / #23
Started by dorward on 2017-03-06
2 replies by Vincent, Jim D. (3 unread).
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Topic: Sufi Stories
In: Monthly Discussion #22 / #23
Started by ALMuti on 2017-03-14
2 replies by Vincent, ALMuti (3 unread).
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Topic: Tone
In: Monthly Discussion #22 / #23
Started by the scablander on 2017-03-06
3 replies by Vincent, the scablander, John Harper (4 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Cards for Bedlam Beautiful
In: Updated Previews: Bedlam Beautiful and The King Is Dead
Started by Gryffon on 2017-02-27
10 replies by Vincent, Gryffon, Nathan Black (11 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Westmark
In: Monthly Discussion #22 / #23
Started by Piers on 2017-03-06
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Challenge vs. Reproduction in Narratives
In: Monthly Discussion #22 / #23
Started by Trumonz on 2017-03-06
4 replies by ChristoMeid, Trumonz, Vincent (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: If your DriveThru discount didn't go through...
In: Wizard Pit Fight!
Started by Vincent on 2016-12-31
11 replies by Sean F, Vincent, Bryant S., Haggai, shimrod, Piers, quizboy (12 unread).
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Topic: Daydreaming muscles
In: Monthly Discussion #22 / #23
Started by bioleera on 2017-03-06
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Still going? :D Also...
In: Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires
Started by Guildmaster Ryan on 2017-03-05
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: AW 2e changes reference?
In: Monthly Discussion #21
Started by Jim D. on 2017-02-18
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Fallen Empires
In: Monthly Discussion #21
Started by William on 2017-01-03
11 replies by Vincent, ALMuti (12 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Thank you for changing the font style
In: World of Adventure: Still Not Abandoned!
Started by JP on 2017-01-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Playtest
In: Monthly Discussion #21
Started by Carl H on 2017-01-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Bodger, special stat says "Experience"
In: World of Adventure: Still Not Abandoned!
Started by Nathan Black on 2017-01-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Play Report
In: Wizard Pit Fight!
Started by Bryant S. on 2017-01-23
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Child-Thing
In: Monthly Discussion #21
Started by mcmillen on 2017-01-25
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: The rules?
In: Wizard Pit Fight!
Started by quantumninja on 2017-01-02
4 replies by Vincent, Paul Czege (5 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: The King is Dead
In: Monthly Discussion #21
Started by Piers on 2017-01-03
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: AW2e update?
In: Monthly Discussion #21
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2017-01-03
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Apoc World "Back pitch" has old playbook names
In: Monthly Discussion #20
Started by mcmillen on 2016-12-31
4 replies by mcmillen, Vincent, Christopher Wargo (5 unread).
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Topic: Sundered Land/Fallen Empires titling font
In: Monthly Discussion #20
Started by Jeremy on 2016-12-18
2 replies by Vincent, Jeremy (3 unread).
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Topic: Bedlam Beautiful
In: Monthly Discussion #20
Started by Kit on 2016-12-02
3 replies by Vincent, Olorin (4 unread).
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Topic: Fallen Empires
In: Monthly Discussion #20
Started by Jeremy on 2016-12-02
2 replies by Vincent, Nathan Black (3 unread).
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Topic: Link to this discussion
In: Monthly Discussion #20
Started by Gordon on 2016-12-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: AW2e with all the trimmings
In: Monthly Discussion #20
Started by Metal Fatigue on 2016-12-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: PbtA core systems
In: Monthly Discussion #19
Started by Carrie Ulrich on 2016-11-10
2 replies by Vincent, Christopher Wargo (3 unread).
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Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: For the over/under
In: Butt Trumpets: the Deluxe Director's Rip
Started by Vincent on 2016-11-20
no replies yet.
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Topic: Hidden discsussion? And the Forge, a little
In: Monthly Discussion #19
Started by Gordon on 2016-11-16
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Defensive moves
In: World of Adventure: Not Abandoned Yet!
Started by Carrie on 2016-08-02
2 replies by Carrie Ulrich, Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: Killing Dragons
In: Monthly Discussion #19
Started by bioleera on 2016-11-14
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Playtesting Changes Coming
In: The King Is Dead
Started by Vincent on 2016-11-07
1 reply by Michael Dunn OConnor (2 unread).
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Topic: Trial by Contest: 5
In: The King Is Dead
Started by Michael Dunn OConnor on 2016-11-06
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Persistent Online Play
In: Monthly Discussion #18
Started by HotSoup on 2016-10-04
2 replies by Vincent, Jimmy (3 unread).
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Topic: What became of this?
In: Verbal Interactive Fiction
Started by Vasco Brown on 2016-10-27
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Intrigue and Muster
In: The King Is Dead
Started by Michael on 2016-10-27
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Soldier Count in Bloody Skirmish
In: The King Is Dead
Started by Michael on 2016-10-27
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: First-time at Metatopia!
In: Monthly Discussion #18
Started by Jim D. on 2016-10-25
2 replies by Vincent, Jim D. (3 unread).
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Topic: Bantral/Banteave
In: The King Is Dead
Started by Metal Fatigue on 2016-10-26
2 replies by Vincent, Metal Fatigue (3 unread).
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Topic: How good is it?
In: Monthly Discussion #18
Started by Urbanlabyrinth on 2016-10-04
30 replies by Vincent, Jim D., Mike, JP, Gordon, John Harper (31 unread).
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Topic: Contested Rolls in Freebooting Venus
In: Monthly Discussion #18
Started by Gryffon on 2016-10-17
2 replies by Vincent, Gryffon (3 unread).
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Topic: Hard moves and bangs
In: Monthly Discussion #18
Started by Metal Fatigue on 2016-10-18
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Games in the back-log?
In: Monthly Discussion #18
Started by the scablander on 2016-10-12
2 replies by Vincent, the scablander (3 unread).
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Topic: Unboxed (un-enveloped?) my print MF0:Firebrands
In: Monthly Discussion #18
Started by Metal Fatigue on 2016-10-13
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Landscape names in AW
In: Monthly Discussion #18
Started by Metal Fatigue on 2016-10-15
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: D&D Retroclones?
In: Monthly Discussion #18
Started by Jeremy on 2016-10-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Chalk Outlines
In: Monthly Discussion #18
Started by Justin Evans on 2016-10-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Freebooting Venus
In: Monthly Discussion #18
Started by Gryffon on 2016-10-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: How good *is* D&D?
In: Monthly Discussion #18
Started by Jim D. on 2016-10-04
2 replies by Vincent, Jim D. (3 unread).
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Topic: Generating the Apocalypse World
In: Monthly Discussion #18
Started by Mike on 2016-10-04
3 replies by drhayes, Mike, Vincent (4 unread).
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Topic: Translation ?
In: Bedlam Beautiful
Started by Maitresinh on 2016-10-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Have you seen Penny Dreadful?
In: Bedlam Beautiful
Started by shimrod on 2016-10-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Available In Print
In: MF0: Firebrands
Started by Vincent on 2016-05-05
1 reply by Metal Fatigue (2 unread).
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Topic: Player Eloquence vs. Character Eloquence
In: MF0: Firebrands
Started by Bryant S. on 2016-04-14
3 replies by Bryant S., Vincent, Metal Fatigue (4 unread).
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Topic: AW:DA Rights
In: Monthly Discussion #16
Started by disquisition on 2016-08-08
5 replies by Vincent, Jeremy, Gordon, Aaron Friesen, Metal Fatigue (6 unread).
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Topic: A technical note
In: Bedlam Beautiful
Started by Vincent on 2016-09-30
no replies yet.
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Topic: Fixing what bugs me in Rock of Tahamaat
In: A Year's Work
Started by Vincent on 2016-09-27
no replies yet.
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Topic: Apocalypse World 2E late backers
In: Monthly Discussion #17
Started by Roshirai on 2016-09-07
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Competing with your own anti-game
In: Monthly Discussion #16
Started by Jim D. on 2016-08-11
3 replies by Vincent, Jim D., Aaron Friesen (4 unread).
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Topic: World of Adventure: target audience?
In: Monthly Discussion #17
Started by Jim D. on 2016-09-04
2 replies by Vincent, Jim D. (3 unread).
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Topic: Past and Future of this endeavour, socially and economically
In: Monthly Discussion #17
Started by Greg S. on 2016-09-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Lots of moves!
In: Monthly Discussion #17
Started by William on 2016-09-05
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Seize By Force Returns!
In: Monthly Discussion #17
Started by Thanqol on 2016-09-05
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Generational Churn of Ideologies and Schools
In: Monthly Discussion #17
Started by E. Torner on 2016-09-04
4 replies by Vincent, E. Torner (5 unread).
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Topic: Food and fibre
In: Monthly Discussion #17
Started by Jeremy on 2016-09-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: McKiernan
In: The Quest
Started by Vincent on 2016-08-31
no replies yet.
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Topic: Battlebabe changes from early to final preview
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by Argent on 2016-08-30
2 replies by Vincent, Argent (3 unread).
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Topic: Your outlook on "...and outlook."
In: Monthly Discussion #16
Started by Chroma on 2016-08-23
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Fantasy
In: Monthly Discussion #15
Started by Vincent on 2016-07-08
9 replies by Jeremy, Vincent, JP, Gordon, Piers (10 unread).
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Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: World of Adventure - Visuals
In: World of Adventure: Not Abandoned Yet!
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2016-07-28
2 replies by Vincent, Darrin Michelson (3 unread).
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Topic: Illustrations?
In: World of Adventure: Not Abandoned Yet!
Started by Vincent on 2016-07-27
3 replies by Darrin Michelson, Vincent (4 unread).
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Topic: LotFP
In: Monthly Discussion #15
Started by Sean F on 2016-07-14
3 replies by Vincent, Sean F (4 unread).
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Topic: Freebooting Venus and Apocalypse World 2E Qs
In: Monthly Discussion #15
Started by Roshirai on 2016-07-12
5 replies by Vincent, Roshirai (6 unread).
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Topic: Dungeon Crawl System
In: Monthly Discussion #15
Started by Veraticus on 2016-07-08
4 replies by ebrandeis, Vincent, Veraticus (5 unread).
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Topic: Game Theory - Useful for game design?
In: Monthly Discussion #15
Started by CraigM on 2016-07-08
7 replies by Vincent, Tiger, Jeremy, Trumonz, Corey, shimrod, William (8 unread).
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Topic: WOA's Inspiration?
In: World of Adventure
Started by KindledSky on 2016-06-27
2 replies by Vincent, Jeremy (3 unread).
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Topic: Workers Rights...
In: Monthly Discussion #14
Started by Sean F on 2016-06-07
10 replies by Sean F, Greg S., Vincent, lglindhardt, Maciej Starzycki, Gordon (11 unread).
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Topic: Donald Trump, Sun God
In: Monthly Discussion #14
Started by Gryffon on 2016-06-06
5 replies by Mike, Greg S., Vincent, Aaron Friesen, Sean F (6 unread).
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Topic: Arts Magical
In: A Year's Work
Started by Jeremy on 2016-05-24
4 replies by Vincent, Jeremy (5 unread).
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Topic: How has PbtA evolved outside of you?
In: Monthly Discussion #9
Started by HotSoup on 2016-01-04
5 replies by Vincent, Jeremy, Tiger, Vex Godglove (6 unread).
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Topic: Wait, did HotSoup get an answer?
In: Monthly Discussion #14
Started by JP on 2016-06-06
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Escalating montage idea - suggestions?
In: Monthly Discussion #14
Started by Pawper on 2016-06-07
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Custom roll+stat Hx move idea
In: Monthly Discussion #14
Started by Pawper on 2016-06-07
2 replies by Sean F, Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: 2nd gen PbtA
In: Monthly Discussion Lucky #13
Started by Jeremy on 2016-06-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Amazons' Solutions
In: A Year's Work
Started by Bryant S. on 2016-05-23
4 replies by Vincent, Bryant S. (5 unread).
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Topic: Moods and impetus
In: A Year's Work
Started by Kit on 2016-05-20
4 replies by Vincent, Kit (5 unread).
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Topic: Fallen Empires
In: A Year's Work
Started by William on 2016-05-21
6 replies by Vincent, Maciej Starzycki, William (7 unread).
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Topic: Business talk about MF0:Firebrands
In: A Year's Work
Started by Vincent on 2016-05-20
7 replies by John Harper, Vincent, William, Piers (8 unread).
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Topic: Occasions for social mixing
In: MF0: Firebrands
Started by Jeremy on 2016-03-31
2 replies by Vincent, Sean F (3 unread).
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Topic: Freebooting Venus
In: A Year's Work
Started by Mike on 2016-05-20
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Role of Victorian parlor games
In: Monthly Discussion Lucky #13
Started by Gordon on 2016-05-16
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Objectives in A Tactical Skirmish
In: MF0: Firebrands
Started by Rob Deobald on 2016-05-12
3 replies by Vincent, Rob Deobald (4 unread).
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Topic: What was HotSoup's question?
In: Monthly Discussion Lucky #13
Started by disquisition on 2016-05-11
2 replies by Vincent, disquisition (3 unread).
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Topic: Link to Discussion 12
In: Monthly Discussion Lucky #13
Started by William on 2016-05-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Updated (final!) Firebrands PDF
In: MF0: Firebrands
Started by Vincent on 2016-04-24
5 replies by Nathan Black, Vincent, HDisco (6 unread).
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Topic: Introducing Quarantine
In: Monthly Discussion #12
Started by Borogove on 2016-04-27
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: I have new appreciation for game design.
In: Monthly Discussion #12
Started by Hildy on 2016-04-21
2 replies by Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: Firebrands Playtest
In: Monthly Discussion #12
Started by Thanqol on 2016-04-04
13 replies by ALMuti, Vincent, Thanqol (14 unread).
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Topic: Publication Plans
In: MF0: Firebrands
Started by Vincent on 2016-04-11
1 reply by ALMuti (2 unread).
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Topic: Fallen Empires
In: Monthly Discussion #12
Started by William on 2016-04-08
2 replies by Vincent, William (3 unread).
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Topic: Experiences
In: MF0: Firebrands
Started by Bryant S. on 2016-04-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Unknown Armies
In: Monthly Discussion #12
Started by Urbanlabyrinth on 2016-04-07
2 replies by shimrod, Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: This is cool!
In: MF0: Firebrands
Started by lglindhardt on 2016-04-03
2 replies by Vincent, mraichelson (3 unread).
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Topic: The Unstore
In: Monthly Discussion #12
Started by Kit on 2016-04-03
13 replies by Vincent, Trumonz, Kit, Nathan Black (14 unread).
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Topic: This new Apocalypse World playbook that Meg and Elliot have been working on.
In: Monthly Discussion #12
Started by Greg S. on 2016-04-03
2 replies by Vincent, Nathan Black (3 unread).
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Topic: I'm thinking about the
In: Monthly Discussion #12
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2016-04-03
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: The Maelstrom
In: Monthly Discussion #12
Started by Borogove on 2016-04-03
3 replies by Vincent, Borogove (4 unread).
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Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: My observation is I'm a deadbeat
In: MF0: Firebrands
Started by Jeremy on 2016-04-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Trajectories
In: MF0: Firebrands
Started by Jeremy on 2016-03-31
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: The Witch
In: Monthly Discussion #11
Started by Jeremy on 2016-03-04
6 replies by Jeremy, Vincent, Borogove, Sean F (7 unread).
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Topic: Moves & Memorization
In: Monthly Discussion #11
Started by Gryffon on 2016-03-02
4 replies by Harpunea, Vincent, Sean F, John Harper (5 unread).
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Topic: Please lie to me about AW:Revolution?
In: Monthly Discussion #11
Started by Gregpogor on 2016-03-03
6 replies by Vincent, Gregpogor, Gordon, Sean F, Borogove, Mike (7 unread).
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Topic: Errors, still
In: Monthly Discussion #10
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2016-02-04
19 replies by Vincent, Borogove, Christopher Wargo, kobolds, JP, Piers, lglindhardt (20 unread).
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Topic: I guess Czege won the bet?
In: Monthly Discussion #11
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2016-03-03
3 replies by Vincent, William, Joshua A.C. Newman (4 unread).
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Topic: Nanogames
In: Monthly Discussion #11
Started by Jeremy on 2016-03-02
3 replies by Paul Czege, Vincent, Joshua A.C. Newman (4 unread).
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Topic: Introductions
In: Monthly Discussion #11
Started by Vincent on 2016-03-02
12 replies by mcmillen, Vincent, lglindhardt, Ugras the Heavy, disquisition, mraichelson, JP, antisinecurist, misuba (13 unread).
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Topic: About Sex Moves
In: Monthly Discussion #11
Started by Thomas D on 2016-03-02
2 replies by Vincent, antisinecurist (3 unread).
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Topic: Playbook format as inspiration?
In: Monthly Discussion #11
Started by Hildy on 2016-03-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Out of this World
In: Monthly Discussion #11
Started by Pawper on 2016-03-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Freebooting Venus
In: Monthly Discussion #11
Started by Harpunea on 2016-03-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: "If your subject paints themselves into a corner"
In: A Wicked New Direction for Freebooting Venus
Started by Jeremy on 2016-03-06
2 replies by Vincent, Jeremy (3 unread).
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Topic: "go along with you" vs "don't dare stand up to you"
In: A Wicked New Direction for Freebooting Venus
Started by JP on 2016-03-05
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Challenges
In: A Wicked New Direction for Freebooting Venus
Started by Jeremy on 2016-03-06
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: PbtA as a stepping stone
In: Monthly Discussion #11
Started by Vincent on 2016-03-03
1 reply by Hildy (2 unread).
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Topic: Apocalypse World 2nd Ed
In: Monthly Discussion #11
Started by Greg S. on 2016-03-02
3 replies by Vincent, Greg S., Hildy (4 unread).
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Topic: Fallen Empires
In: Monthly Discussion #11
Started by William on 2016-03-03
2 replies by Vincent, William (3 unread).
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Topic: swashbuckling
In: Monthly Discussion #11
Started by anna anthropy on 2016-03-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Cast a spell
In: A Wicked New Direction for Freebooting Venus
Started by Kit on 2016-02-29
3 replies by Vincent, Kit (4 unread).
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Topic: Tell them to do it or else
In: A Wicked New Direction for Freebooting Venus
Started by lglindhardt on 2016-03-01
2 replies by Vincent, lglindhardt (3 unread).
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Topic: Move Structure
In: A Wicked New Direction for Freebooting Venus
Started by Gryffon on 2016-03-01
3 replies by Vincent, Gryffon (4 unread).
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Topic: The Water Bearer
In: Monthly Discussion #10
Started by Gryffon on 2016-02-24
8 replies by Vincent, lglindhardt, Borogove (9 unread).
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Topic: What are some of your inspirations for Freebooting Venus?
In: A Wicked New Direction for Freebooting Venus
Started by quantumninja on 2016-02-29
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Initial Playtesting
In: Monthly Discussion #10
Started by Sean F on 2016-02-13
2 replies by Vincent, Sean F (3 unread).
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Topic: Publication History
In: Rock of Tahamaat, Space Tyrant
Started by Vincent on 2015-04-16
1 reply by JP.
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Topic: About the kickstarter
In: Monthly Discussion #10
Started by William on 2016-02-02
8 replies by Jason Lutes, Vincent, Elias Helfer, Aaron Friesen, William, Nathan Black, Christopher Wargo (9 unread).
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Topic: When is PbtA the right choice?
In: Monthly Discussion #10
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2016-02-08
2 replies by Chris M, Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: Vehicle rules
In: Monthly Discussion #10
Started by Harpunea on 2016-02-06
11 replies by Vincent, Harpunea, Christopher Wargo, lglindhardt (12 unread).
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Topic: The Faceless 2e
In: Monthly Discussion #10
Started by Dandyetical on 2016-02-03
3 replies by Vincent, Dandyetical, Christopher Wargo (4 unread).
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Topic: PbtA and the Fruitful Void
In: Monthly Discussion #10
Started by Chris M on 2016-02-08
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Changing backer level on the Kickstarter
In: Monthly Discussion #10
Started by Harpunea on 2016-02-09
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: +strangers
In: Monthly Discussion #10
Started by kobolds on 2016-02-03
7 replies by Vincent, Trithemius|, Christopher Wargo, kobolds, John Harper (8 unread).
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Topic: Moves questions
In: Monthly Discussion #10
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2016-02-04
4 replies by Vincent, Borogove, antisinecurist, Christopher Wargo (5 unread).
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Topic: First session to front, in-depth
In: Monthly Discussion #10
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2016-02-03
2 replies by Vincent, Trithemius| (3 unread).
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Topic: Sex moves
In: Monthly Discussion #10
Started by Trithemius| on 2016-02-02
9 replies by Thanqol, Harpunea, Borogove, Trithemius|, Chris M, HotSoup, Vincent (10 unread).
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Topic: Hey Vincent, was there a reason for not doing a hardback option for 2nd Ed?
In: Monthly Discussion #10
Started by Harpunea on 2016-02-02
3 replies by Vincent, Harpunea, Vasco Brown (4 unread).
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Topic: After first session
In: Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires
Started by Maciej Starzycki on 2016-01-15
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: A Small Weapon Update
In: Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires
Started by Vincent on 2016-01-15
4 replies by Chris M, Vincent (5 unread).
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Topic: What are you writing/laying the book out in?
In: Monthly Discussion #9
Started by drhayes on 2016-01-04
3 replies by Sean F, Vincent, Hildy (4 unread).
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Topic: I'm thinking about...
In: Monthly Discussion #9
Started by Paul Czege on 2016-01-10
4 replies by Vincent, Paul Czege (5 unread).
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Topic: Hateful Eight?
In: Monthly Discussion #9
Started by Chris M on 2016-01-08
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Use of Keep
In: Monthly Discussion #9
Started by William on 2016-01-04
5 replies by Vincent, William, Chris M (6 unread).
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Topic: The Driver – Rider, Knight?
In: Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires
Started by Tiger on 2016-01-06
3 replies by Vincent, antisinecurist (4 unread).
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Topic: I'm thinking about......
In: Monthly Discussion #9
Started by Jeremy on 2016-01-07
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Deadly weapons
In: Monthly Discussion #9
Started by HankleVonCrankle on 2016-01-04
4 replies by Vincent, Joshua A.C. Newman, HankleVonCrankle (5 unread).
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Topic: Inspired by William
In: Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires
Started by Vincent on 2015-12-20
6 replies by William, Vincent, Christopher Wargo (7 unread).
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Topic: The Faceless 2e
In: Monthly Discussion #9
Started by Dandyetical on 2016-01-04
7 replies by Vincent, Dandyetical, antisinecurist (8 unread).
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Topic: Niggling errors
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2015-09-02
5 replies by Vincent, Greg S., lglindhardt, Tiger (6 unread).
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Topic: Playing AW:Fallen Empires
In: Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires
Started by Vincent on 2015-12-20
7 replies by Chroma, John Harper, Vincent, Jeremy, antisinecurist, Tiger (8 unread).
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Topic: A couple of questions
In: Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires
Started by lglindhardt on 2015-12-21
8 replies by lglindhardt, Vincent, antisinecurist (9 unread).
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Topic: Learning battle moves
In: Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires
Started by Vex Godglove on 2015-12-25
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Keep & Lifestyle
In: Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires
Started by Jeremy on 2015-12-21
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: bonepicker
In: Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires
Started by anna anthropy on 2015-12-20
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Sword and Sorcery
In: Monthly Discussion #8
Started by murphy_slaw on 2015-12-02
13 replies by Darrin Michelson, William, Sean F, Joshua A.C. Newman, John Harper, murphy_slaw, Vincent, lglindhardt (14 unread).
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Topic: Howdy all
In: Monthly Discussion #8
Started by 3l3phant on 2015-12-04
4 replies by Sean F, Vincent, 3l3phant, drhayes (5 unread).
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Topic: Posting request for suggestions on possible Moves
In: Monthly Discussion #8
Started by 3l3phant on 2015-12-15
3 replies by antisinecurist, 3l3phant, Vincent (4 unread).
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Topic: How many knock-offs make a genre/convention?
In: Monthly Discussion #8
Started by Gryffon on 2015-12-02
2 replies by Vincent, Joshua A.C. Newman (3 unread).
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Topic: poverty
In: Monthly Discussion #8
Started by William on 2015-12-02
15 replies by Darrin Michelson, William, antisinecurist, Jeremy, Borogove, Sean F, Joshua A.C. Newman, Vincent (16 unread).
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Topic: Ooooo... Let's talk about noir...
In: Monthly Discussion #8
Started by Nathan Black on 2015-12-02
6 replies by Vincent, Nathan Black, Phil Vecchione (7 unread).
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Topic: Hello!
In: Monthly Discussion #8
Started by murphy_slaw on 2015-12-02
13 replies by Christopher Wargo, William, Vincent, murphy_slaw, Darrin Michelson, antisinecurist (14 unread).
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Topic: AW 2E Vehicle Rules
In: Monthly Discussion #8
Started by Mike on 2015-12-08
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: What is John Oliver's bit?
In: Monthly Discussion #8
Started by antisinecurist on 2015-12-02
3 replies by Vincent, antisinecurist, Ray Otus (4 unread).
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Topic: Burglar Pedantry
In: What If a Roleplaying Game...
Started by John Harper on 2015-11-25
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: The Logic of Publishing
In: Monthly Discussion #7
Started by Trumonz on 2015-11-02
4 replies by Vincent, Kit, Trumonz, Phil Vecchione (5 unread).
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Topic: It's probably too early...
In: Monthly Discussion #7
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2015-11-03
4 replies by Vincent, Elias Helfer, Darrin Michelson (5 unread).
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Topic: Becoming a better writer, or a writer at all.
In: Monthly Discussion #7
Started by VidyaFreak on 2015-11-04
3 replies by Vincent, Jeremy, Kit (4 unread).
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Topic: Co-GMing
In: Monthly Discussion #7
Started by Jeremy on 2015-11-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Fastaval, Gatekeeping and keeping the keepers
In: Monthly Discussion #7
Started by Elias Helfer on 2015-11-06
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: status, gatekeeping, indie scene
In: Monthly Discussion #7
Started by Ray Otus on 2015-11-01
5 replies by Vincent, Christopher Wargo (6 unread).
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Topic: The Long Memory
In: Monthly Discussion #7
Started by Jeremy on 2015-11-01
4 replies by Vincent, Jeremy (5 unread).
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Topic: FV's Otherkind dice
In: Monthly Discussion #7
Started by Jeremy on 2015-11-01
3 replies by Christopher Wargo, Vincent, Jeremy (4 unread).
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Topic: Theory of employment
In: Monthly Discussion #7
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2015-11-01
7 replies by Vincent, Christopher Wargo, Jeremy (8 unread).
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Topic: Game Art
In: Monthly Discussion #7
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2015-11-01
2 replies by Vincent, Darrin Michelson (3 unread).
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Topic: But why?
In: Technically Playable Games
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2015-10-22
3 replies by Vincent, Christopher Wargo.
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Topic: Eroticism
In: A Swashbuckling Romance Game
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2015-10-20
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: "Let me tell you about my character"
In: Technically Playable Games
Started by Kit on 2015-10-18
3 replies by Vincent, Christopher Wargo (4 unread).
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Topic: The role of the GM...
In: Technically Playable Games
Started by Trumonz on 2015-10-18
1 reply by Vincent.
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Topic: Just a check
In: Technically Playable Games
Started by Gordon on 2015-10-18
1 reply by Vincent.
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Topic: Paul Czege's Kickstarter Theories
In: Monthly Discussion #3
Started by Trumonz on 2015-06-30
12 replies by Paul Czege, Vincent, Trumonz, stras, Rob Deobald (13 unread).
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Topic: Setting and Frame
In: A Swashbuckling Romance Game
Started by stras on 2015-09-20
6 replies by Jeremy, stras, Vincent (7 unread).
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Topic: Dark Ages Stronghold Creation
In: Monthly Discussion #6
Started by Mike on 2015-10-16
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: AW:DA Rights
In: Monthly Discussion #6
Started by Sean F on 2015-10-01
5 replies by Darrin Michelson, Mike, Vincent, Sean F (6 unread).
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Topic: Are you playing more AW2?
In: Monthly Discussion #6
Started by Mike on 2015-10-08
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Hacking stuff
In: Monthly Discussion #6
Started by Maciej Starzycki on 2015-10-01
12 replies by Carrie, Matthew H., Vincent, Maciej Starzycki, Borogove, Jeremy, John Harper, antisinecurist, Christopher Wargo (13 unread).
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Topic: "The only training mission"
In: Monthly Discussion #6
Started by Jeremy on 2015-10-05
4 replies by Vincent, shimrod, antisinecurist, Christopher Wargo (5 unread).
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Topic: The thing Eppy said about Amazons
In: Monthly Discussion #6
Started by Barnes on 2015-10-01
6 replies by Vincent, Epidiah, shimrod, Christopher Wargo (7 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Specialized battle vehicles?
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by fnord3125 on 2015-09-06
3 replies by Vincent, Sushicaddy (4 unread).
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Topic: PvP in Apocalypse World.
In: Monthly Discussion #6
Started by Sildoenfein on 2015-10-04
3 replies by Vincent, John Harper, Sildoenfein (4 unread).
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Topic: Dice pools
In: Monthly Discussion #6
Started by Jeremy on 2015-10-02
9 replies by antisinecurist, Jeremy, Vincent, Christopher Wargo, John Harper (10 unread).
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Topic: Un-extended Battle Moves
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by ffuok on 2015-10-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Art Deco, Public Works, Facism
In: Monthly Discussion #6
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2015-10-01
3 replies by Vincent, Darrin Michelson (4 unread).
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Topic: what is a roleplaying game?
In: Monthly Discussion #6
Started by anna anthropy on 2015-10-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Patreon data breach - I'm out
In: A Pragmatic Theory of Playtesting
Started by Joshua Randall on 2015-10-01
2 replies by Vincent, Joshua Randall (3 unread).
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Topic: The same meta-conversations over and over...
In: A Pragmatic Theory of Playtesting
Started by Borogove on 2015-09-24
2 replies by Vincent, Mike (3 unread).
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Topic: The Conversation on Rights
In: A Pragmatic Theory of Playtesting
Started by Gryffon on 2015-09-24
8 replies by Vincent, Maciej Starzycki, Christopher Wargo, Borogove, Mike.
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Topic: Gambling
In: A Swashbuckling Romance Game
Started by Mike on 2015-09-28
4 replies by Vincent, Mike, antisinecurist (5 unread).
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Topic: Character creation
In: A Swashbuckling Romance Game
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2015-09-23
3 replies by Vincent, Christopher Wargo (4 unread).
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Topic: Ergonomics and Playbooks/Character Sheets
In: Monthly Discussion #5
Started by Gryffon on 2015-09-25
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Never Knowing
In: A Pragmatic Theory of Playtesting
Started by Thanqol on 2015-09-25
1 reply by Vincent.
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Topic: 'Motion'
In: A Pragmatic Theory of Playtesting
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2015-09-24
1 reply by Vincent.
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Topic: Getting Real Paid
In: Hand To Mouth in the City of Nephthys
Started by charlievick on 2015-09-24
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Dances, swordfights, doing something risky
In: A Swashbuckling Romance Game
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2015-09-21
3 replies by Vincent, Christopher Wargo (4 unread).
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Topic: Defending VS other battle moves?
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by antisinecurist on 2015-09-21
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Draw!
In: A Swashbuckling Romance Game
Started by sodmikail on 2015-09-20
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Draw
In: A Swashbuckling Romance Game
Started by stras on 2015-09-20
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Object of the game
In: Hand To Mouth in the City of Nephthys
Started by shimrod on 2015-09-15
3 replies by Vincent, shimrod (4 unread).
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Topic: Theory of Employment
In: Hand To Mouth in the City of Nephthys
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2015-09-14
5 replies by Vincent, Ray Otus, Jeremy (6 unread).
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Topic: Freebooting Venus
In: Monthly Discussion #5
Started by Jeremy on 2015-09-02
7 replies by Matthew H., Vincent, Jeremy (8 unread).
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Topic: Fighting questions
In: Hand To Mouth in the City of Nephthys
Started by shimrod on 2015-09-15
3 replies by Vincent, shimrod (4 unread).
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Topic: Spooky Intense
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by lglindhardt on 2015-09-01
6 replies by Vincent, lglindhardt, antisinecurist (7 unread).
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Topic: Seclusia
In: Hand To Mouth in the City of Nephthys
Started by antisinecurist on 2015-09-15
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Cults
In: Hand To Mouth in the City of Nephthys
Started by Vincent on 2015-09-14
2 replies by Darrin Michelson, antisinecurist (3 unread).
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Topic: Beginning job or jobs?
In: Hand To Mouth in the City of Nephthys
Started by shimrod on 2015-09-14
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: A week later, is The Clay That Woke still on your mind?
In: Monthly Discussion #5
Started by Paul Czege on 2015-09-06
6 replies by Vincent, Paul Czege, Ry, Gordon (7 unread).
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Topic: Amazons
In: Monthly Discussion #5
Started by Jeremy on 2015-09-12
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: "HP" scales, granularity, level of battle detail, exchanges of harm
In: Monthly Discussion #5
Started by antisinecurist on 2015-09-09
3 replies by Vincent, Carrie, antisinecurist (4 unread).
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Topic: Advanced basic moves?
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by fnord3125 on 2015-09-04
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Battlebabe
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by Fitzjackworth on 2015-09-07
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Lay down fire is reeeaaally good
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by antisinecurist on 2015-09-02
3 replies by Vincent, antisinecurist (4 unread).
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Topic: Vehicles are threats!?
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by antisinecurist on 2015-09-09
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: My variant is running beautifully
In: Monthly Discussion #5
Started by Ry on 2015-09-05
7 replies by Ry, Vincent, Darrin Michelson (8 unread).
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Topic: AW:DA
In: Monthly Discussion #5
Started by Christopher Wargo on 2015-09-01
2 replies by Vincent, Greg S. (3 unread).
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Topic: AW2 Basic Move Refinements
In: Monthly Discussion #5
Started by Mike on 2015-09-01
6 replies by Vincent, Carrie Ulrich, Thanqol, Chroma, fnord3125, Mike (7 unread).
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Topic: Gangs and "single" combat?
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by antisinecurist on 2015-09-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Resetting Hx and sharing secrets
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by Chroma on 2015-09-02
2 replies by Chroma, Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: When life becomes untenable...
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by Mike on 2015-09-01
8 replies by Vincent, Mike, antisinecurist (9 unread).
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Topic: Barter and defaulting
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by Jeremy on 2015-09-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Gain an Ally?
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by StirringSagacity on 2015-09-01
2 replies by fnord3125, Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: A fun hype post
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by Vincent on 2015-09-01
no replies yet.
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Topic: Workspaces and Trucks
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by Thanqol on 2015-09-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Vehicle Profile
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by Greg S. on 2015-08-31
4 replies by Vincent, antisinecurist, Greg S. (5 unread).
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Topic: Gunlugger Down A Move
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by Thanqol on 2015-08-31
2 replies by Vincent, Thanqol (3 unread).
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Topic: Leadership
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by fnord3125 on 2015-08-30
5 replies by Vincent, fnord3125, lglindhardt (6 unread).
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Topic: Threat Map Directions
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by William on 2015-08-30
6 replies by William, Vincent, fnord3125, Benjamin Brown, Christopher Wargo (7 unread).
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Topic: PvP Cat and Mouse
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by Elias Helfer on 2015-08-31
2 replies by Vincent, Elias Helfer (3 unread).
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Topic: Assault a Secure Position.
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by Chris M on 2015-08-30
3 replies by Vincent, Christopher Wargo (4 unread).
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Topic: What about the fronts?
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by Moose on 2015-05-29
11 replies by Vincent, Ry, Moose, Aksen, Jeremy (12 unread).
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Topic: Board a moving car
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by Chris M on 2015-08-30
5 replies by Vincent, fnord3125, stras (6 unread).
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Topic: Anyone know a project seeking an artist?
In: Monthly Discussion #4
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2015-08-03
6 replies by Vincent, Darrin Michelson, Jimmy, Dantess (7 unread).
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Topic: "Push X" in Threat Moves
In: Apocalypse World 2E Battle & Threats Preview
Started by wmerrifield on 2015-08-30
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Draft 3 of the extended combat moves...
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by Vincent on 2015-08-15
5 replies by HDisco, Jeremy, fnord3125, Vincent (6 unread).
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Topic: Fury Road: The Western?
In: Monthly Discussion #4
Started by antisinecurist on 2015-08-18
3 replies by Vincent, Fitzjackworth (4 unread).
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Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Platform?
In: Ground Rules
Started by antisinecurist on 2015-08-18
2 replies by Vincent, antisinecurist (3 unread).
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Topic: Error reporting on new posts (technical griping)
In: Ground Rules
Started by antisinecurist on 2015-08-18
1 reply by Vincent.
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Topic: AW2E and holding to a vision....
In: Monthly Discussion #4
Started by Jimmy on 2015-08-03
14 replies by Vincent, lglindhardt, Darrin Michelson, John Harper, Borogove, antisinecurist, dorward, Moose, Jimmy (15 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Threeforged Challenge!
In: Monthly Discussion #4
Started by Gryffon on 2015-08-03
6 replies by Vincent, edige23, Gryffon, Borogove, Sean F (7 unread).
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Topic: Is this move appropriate for the desired experience of the game?
In: Trauma Games presents: Eden Landfall
Started by Sean F on 2015-07-28
4 replies by Vincent, Fitzjackworth, Sean F (5 unread).
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Topic: Patreon, this internet forum, time investments, and rewards
In: Monthly Discussion #4
Started by antisinecurist on 2015-08-04
4 replies by Vincent, antisinecurist, William (5 unread).
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Topic: How do I get this thing OUT?
In: Monthly Discussion #4
Started by Ry on 2015-08-04
23 replies by Vincent, Ry, antisinecurist, Rob Deobald, Darrin Michelson (24 unread).
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Topic: Who bids up first?
In: Amazons
Started by Jeremy on 2015-08-06
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Voronoi diagrams
In: Monthly Discussion #4
Started by Jeremy on 2015-08-02
4 replies by Jeremy, Borogove, Vincent (5 unread).
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Topic: Minecraft!
In: Monthly Discussion #4
Started by C.C. Hanna on 2015-08-03
7 replies by Vincent, antisinecurist, Phil Vecchione (8 unread).
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Topic: Designing for Engagement
In: Monthly Discussion #4
Started by John Harper on 2015-08-03
14 replies by Vincent, antisinecurist, Joshua Randall, Borogove (15 unread).
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Topic: The Turner's Falls massacre/battle...the Deerfield Massacre
In: Monthly Discussion #4
Started by antisinecurist on 2015-08-04
2 replies by Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: Introduce Yourself
In: Monthly Discussion #3
Started by Vincent on 2015-06-30
33 replies by Trumonz, Vincent, Vex Godglove, Borogove, Darrin Michelson, Dandyetical, Gordon, Cam, wmerrifield, DanG, Jimmy, Meguey, MadJay, Wataru, Gryffon, Thomas D, Phil Vecchione, HotSoup, William, Dylan, otsohannula, Carrie Ulrich, John V, C.C. Hanna, Hildy, Madu, lglindhardt (34 unread).
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Topic: The Sundered Land games
In: Monthly Discussion #4
Started by AntoineF on 2015-08-01
4 replies by HDisco, Vincent, John Harper, Ray Otus (5 unread).
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Topic: Introductions
In: Monthly Discussion #1
Started by Vincent on 2015-05-01
27 replies by Phil Vecchione, edige23, arobicha, Herman Duyker, Nathan Black, kreg, Barnes, Jimmy, Ray Otus, HDisco, tonydowler, stras, Thanqol, caitiecat, Ambium, mrbrianpaul, Rocha, Sean F, mikelmatthews, Maddrjeffe, 404, Gordon, Carolyn, Moose, edgerunner (28 unread).
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Topic: The Savvyhead's lack of context on intro
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by Joshua Randall on 2015-08-03
3 replies by Vincent, Joshua Randall (4 unread).
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Topic: We Played This
In: Amazons
Started by Vincent on 2015-07-24
1 reply by John Harper (2 unread).
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Topic: Would I have to redesign the rolls?
In: Trauma Games presents: Eden Landfall
Started by Vincent on 2015-07-24
5 replies by Ray Otus, bioleera, Vincent, John Harper (6 unread).
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Topic: Brilliant.
In: Trauma Games presents: Eden Landfall
Started by Jimmy on 2015-07-25
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Ask Me Anything
In: Monthly Discussion #3
Started by Vincent on 2015-06-30
8 replies by Thanqol, Vincent, Dandyetical, Darrin Michelson, Veraticus (9 unread).
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Topic: Amazons and Misses
In: Amazons
Started by Gryffon on 2015-06-22
5 replies by Vincent, John Harper, Gryffon (6 unread).
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Topic: Space wizards...
In: Monthly Discussion #3
Started by antisinecurist on 2015-06-30
12 replies by Vincent, Darrin Michelson, Gordon, Sean F, Meguey, antisinecurist (13 unread).
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Topic: Growing soft?
In: Monthly Discussion #3
Started by Vincent on 2015-07-01
9 replies by wmerrifield, Paul Czege, Vincent, Darrin Michelson, Moose, Gordon (10 unread).
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Topic: The AW2E Combat Moves
In: Monthly Discussion #3
Started by Vincent on 2015-06-30
10 replies by antisinecurist, Trumonz, Vincent, HDisco, Darrin Michelson, Zorak, Jimmy, Benjamin Brown, MadJay (11 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: That Weird Music Video
In: Apocalypse World: Nightmare City
Started by Vincent on 2015-04-13
4 replies by Vincent, Epidiah, caitiecat (5 unread).
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Topic: how do gigs work?
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by fnord3125 on 2015-05-31
4 replies by Vincent, fnord3125, Vex Godglove (5 unread).
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Topic: Authoring circumventing methods...
In: Monthly Discussion #3
Started by Sean F on 2015-06-30
7 replies by Sean F, Vincent, Darrin Michelson, stras (8 unread).
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Topic: How did this emerge?
In: What is a Roleplaying Game?
Started by Gordon on 2015-06-28
1 reply by Vincent.
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Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Public//Private
In: Ground Rules
Started by Gordon on 2015-06-28
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Why co-GMed?
In: Amazons
Started by shimrod on 2015-06-27
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Experiences
In: Amazons
Started by Ray Otus on 2015-06-19
3 replies by Ray Otus, Vincent (4 unread).
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Topic: I like the promises
In: Amazons
Started by Paul Czege on 2015-06-19
4 replies by Vincent, Ray Otus, Paul Czege (5 unread).
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Topic: "Anything grab you?"
In: Amazons
Started by Epidiah on 2015-06-19
2 replies by Vincent, Ray Otus (3 unread).
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Topic: My database tells me...
In: Verbal Interactive Fiction
Started by Vincent on 2015-05-21
2 replies by AngryNocker, Vincent (3 unread).
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Topic: Order of Inception?
In: Apocalypse World: Nightmare City
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2015-04-21
5 replies by Vincent, J.Walton, Darrin Michelson, antisinecurist (6 unread).
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Topic: Vehicular Combat
In: Monthly Discussion #2
Started by OneManCrew on 2015-05-31
5 replies by Vincent, Jimmy, Darrin Michelson, Hildy, Weaverchilde (6 unread).
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Topic: Preview: Basic Moves & Extended Battle Moves
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by Vincent on 2015-05-16
26 replies by Nathan Black, caitiecat, Vincent, GimpInBlack, Joao, shimrod, J.Walton, Moose, John Harper, Rob Alexander, fnord3125 (27 unread).
go to conversation >>

Topic: Tanith Lee Tribute Game
In: Monthly Discussion #2
Started by Vincent on 2015-06-02
2 replies by Wataru, John Harper (3 unread).
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Topic: Fav/Best Tanith Lee Titles?
In: Monthly Discussion #2
Started by Ray Otus on 2015-05-31
2 replies by Vincent, Herman Duyker (3 unread).
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Topic: What are you most excited for in AW2E?
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by Moose on 2015-06-03
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Dissonant resolution timescales
In: Monthly Discussion #2
Started by FistfulOfDice on 2015-05-31
3 replies by Vincent, Hildy, Paul Czege (4 unread).
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Topic: New advanced basic moves?
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by fnord3125 on 2015-06-02
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: So about Fury Road
In: Monthly Discussion #2
Started by Nathan Black on 2015-06-01
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Notes
In: The Dark Age: the Sea-giant's Throne
Started by Vincent on 2015-04-20
4 replies by emilycare, Vincent, J.Walton, ALMuti (5 unread).
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Topic: So I gave these guys a try!
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by Moose on 2015-05-28
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Bringing it into an existing game...
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by fnord3125 on 2015-05-28
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: No Operator?
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2015-05-13
7 replies by Vincent, Darrin Michelson, Maciej Starzycki, Chroma, Hildy (8 unread).
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Topic: Reason for removing the Operator?
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by Harpunea on 2015-05-16
5 replies by Vincent, Harpunea, J.Walton (6 unread).
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Topic: Social Change/Improvement Mechanics
In: Monthly Discussion #1
Started by Phil Vecchione on 2015-05-01
6 replies by edige23, Vincent, Darrin Michelson, Phil Vecchione, Weaverchilde (7 unread).
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Topic: AW 2e!
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by John Harper on 2015-05-13
24 replies by Nathan Black, Darrin Michelson, FistfulOfDice, wmerrifield, adam m, Vincent, John Harper, skinnyghost, Maciej Starzycki, Jimmy, ALMuti, TheOtherTracy, stras, Chroma, Moose, taelor, GimpInBlack, 404 (25 unread).
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Topic: PbtA pushback
In: Monthly Discussion #1
Started by FistfulOfDice on 2015-05-01
11 replies by Vincent, John Harper, Darrin Michelson, Jimmy, Thanqol, Borogove, Gordon (12 unread).
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Topic: Winners & Losers
In: Monthly Discussion #1
Started by edige23 on 2015-05-01
4 replies by Vincent, edige23, Ray Otus, Gordon (5 unread).
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Topic: Graphics
In: Verbal Interactive Fiction
Started by Phil Vecchione on 2015-05-21
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Holy cats you're insane!
In: Verbal Interactive Fiction
Started by Paul Czege on 2015-05-20
3 replies by Vincent, Paul Czege (4 unread).
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Topic: Choice driven?
In: Verbal Interactive Fiction
Started by Ray Otus on 2015-05-20
3 replies by Vincent, Ray Otus (4 unread).
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Topic: ...And it looks like waitbot isn't even working.
In: Verbal Interactive Fiction
Started by Vincent on 2015-05-20
no replies yet.
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Topic: Unions
In: Monthly Discussion #1
Started by Barnes on 2015-05-01
3 replies by Barnes, Vincent, Maddrjeffe (4 unread).
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Topic: Slave uprisings, labor unions, songs, violence
In: Monthly Discussion #1
Started by Weaverchilde on 2015-05-14
2 replies by Vincent, Maddrjeffe (3 unread).
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Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Are you revising the core text?
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by Paul Riddle on 2015-05-14
5 replies by Vincent, Paul Riddle (6 unread).
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Topic: This dumb idea I have for a new platform for interactive fiction
In: Monthly Discussion #1
Started by Ray Otus on 2015-05-01
7 replies by Vincent, Ray Otus, Jimmy (8 unread).
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Topic: Are the names for the clarified HARD moves final?
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by Darrin Michelson on 2015-05-13
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: The impetus
In: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Started by FistfulOfDice on 2015-05-13
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Rhino Joust, PbtA logo
In: Monthly Discussion #1
Started by Sean F on 2015-05-07
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: the fighty moves in Traverser
In: One Move's Iterations
Started by Paul Czege on 2015-04-30
4 replies by Vincent, Paul Czege (5 unread).
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Topic: AW Hacks and MC Moves
In: Monthly Discussion #1
Started by Thanqol on 2015-05-01
5 replies by Vincent, Darrin Michelson, Thanqol (6 unread).
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Topic: Relationship to Sundered Land Moves
In: One Move's Iterations
Started by J.Walton on 2015-04-28
7 replies by Vincent, J.Walton, John Harper (8 unread).
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Vincent & Meguey Only Topic: Test
In: Ground Rules
Started by Vincent on 2015-04-17
8 replies by Vincent (9 unread).
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Topic: Or else...
In: The Dark Age: the Sea-giant's Throne
Started by Vincent on 2015-04-20
5 replies by Vincent, caitiecat, emilycare, Joshua A.C. Newman (6 unread).
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Topic: Sea-giant's Throne, move cards, move array
In: The Dark Age: the Sea-giant's Throne
Started by Ray Otus on 2015-04-22
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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Topic: Abandoned?
In: Rock of Tahamaat, Space Tyrant
Started by Epidiah on 2015-04-18
3 replies by Vincent, Epidiah, J.Walton.
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Topic: Other images that skittered across my brain while reading this:
In: Apocalypse World: Nightmare City
Started by Sam on 2015-04-21
1 reply by Vincent (2 unread).
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